Lovers of Politics
The Center for the Study of Democracy presents
“Lovers of Politics”
A post-election roundtable with UCI electoral analysts, discussing the results of
the US and California elections
Monday, November 17, 2014
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Social Science Plaza A, Room 2112
Featuring an all-star panel from the Political Science Department:
Mark Petracca is associate professor of political science and associate dean of undergraduate
studies. His research centers on the question of how political power is enabled, constrained,
and distributed in advanced industrial societies. Focusing primarily on the American
case, Petracca's research menu includes the politics of agenda-building and the distribution
of political power; the development of political institutions; the relationship between
normative democratic theory and empirical policy outcomes; and the connection between
the state and the individual in developed political systems. Petracca teaches on a
range of American political institutions, such as the presidency, Congress, and political
organizations, as well as courses about law and society, constitutional politics,
agenda-building, and political power.
Davin Phoenix, assistant professor of political science, earned his Ph.D. from the
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy and Department of Political Science at the
University of Michigan. His research interests include race and motivation to participate
in politics, local descriptive representation, and mobilization of marginalized groups.
He is currently teaching courses on public opinion, political behavior and minority
and local politics. Davin is a recipient of an American Political Science Foundation
Minority Fellowship, and an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Carole Uhlaner, associate professor of political science, works in the field of comparative
political behavior, notably in North America and Western Europe. She is particularly
interested in understanding mass political participation and mass-elite linkages.
She has worked on theories of social choice and rationality and has used this to guide
her empirical work. Her current research examines the political mobilization of ethnic
minorities in the United States. In addition, she has worked on gender and politics.
Uhlaner's graduate teaching includes seminars on political participation and representation,
political behavior, and methods of political inquiry. She often uses mathematical
and formal approaches in her teaching as well as research
Louis DeSipio: moderator, professor of political science and Chicano/Latino studies,
and director, Center for the Study of Democracy.
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