Precautionary Saving and Aggregate Demand
The Department of Economics Macroeconomics Seminar Series presents
“Precautionary Saving and Aggregate Demand"
with Edouard Challe, Assistant Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique
October 22, 2014
2:30-4:00 p.m.
Social Science Plaza B, Room 3218
How do fluctuations in households’ precautionary wealth contribute to the propagation
of aggregate shocks? In this talk, Challe attempts to answer this question by formulating
and estimating a tractable structural macroeconometric model of the business cycle
with nominal frictions, unemployment and incomplete insurance against unemployment
risk. He argues that, under those frictions, time-variations in precautionary wealth
have two conflicting effects on output volatility: a stabilizing “aggregate supply”
effect working through the supply of capital and potential output; and a destabilizing
“aggregate demand effect” working through aggregate consumption and the output gap.
He quantifies these forces via a maximum-likelihood estimation of the structural parameters
of the model, using as observables both aggregate and cross-sectional information
(such as the extent of
consumption insurance and the distributions of wealth and consumption
across households). He finds the impact of demand shocks on aggregates to be significantly
altered by time-varying precautionary saving.
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