Grad Student Conference: Like Oil and Water - Designing Social Research on Resource Conflicts across Categories and Scales
The Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies with the Center for Ethnography present
"Grad Student Conference: Like Oil and Water - Designing Social Research on Resource
Conflicts across Categories and Scales"
with Nikhil Anand, Princeton University | Andrea Ballestero, Rice University | David
Hughes, Rutgers University | Valerie Olson, UCI
Saturday, May 24, 2014
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Social & Behavioral Sciences Gateway, Room 2200
This graduate student workshop is open to UCI students from all departments.
Students will receive coaching in small groups to address research problems using
techniques such as conceptual framing, multisited fieldwork strategies, mixed
methodologies, and other innovative ways to account for material and scalar complexity.
To apply for the workshop, please submit a two page document which includes:
- Name, department, and description of your research stage (e.g, preproposal, developed proposal, post-fieldwork, dissertation write-up).
- A two to three paragraph description of your project.
- A description of your research problem (no more than one page). Please describe how it is related to larger domains of social conflict and/or collaboration, how it operates across scales, and how it contains one or more key material factors. Please provide as many details about the problem and how it works in your field as you can.
- List three key research questions you have about the problem.
Application Deadline: MAY 6, 2014.
Please send applications or inquiries to Valerie Olson,
*Students who attend the workshop will be asked to affiliate with CGPACS prior to participation. Please find information here:
For more information about this workshop, contact Valerie Olson,
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