The Center for the Study of Democracy Brown Bag Lunch series presents

“Freedom Rising: Human Empowerment and the Quest for Emancipation”
with Christian Welzel, Leuphana University

Thursday, February 27, 2014
12:00–1:30 p.m.
Social & Behavioral Sciences Gateway (SBSG), Room 1321

Christian Welzel is a political culture research professor at Leuphana University, Germany and President emeritus of the World Values Surveys.  He is also a special consultant at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research at the Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg Russia.  His research focuses on human empowerment, emancipative values, cultural change, and democratization.  A recipient of various large-scale grants, Welzel is the author of more than a hundred scholarly publications. Besides his just published Freedom Rising (2013), his most recent books include: The Civic Culture Transformed (with Russell J. Dalton, forthcoming); Democratization (with Christian Haerpfer, Ronald Inglehart and Patrick Bernhagen, 2009) and Modernization, Cultural Change and Democracy (with Ronald Inglehart, 2005).

Please RSVP by February 24 to if you plan on attending. Lunch will be provided.    

For further information, please contact Shani Brasier, 949-824-2904 or