My (Accidental) Career as a CIA Analyst
The International Studies Public Forum presents
“My (Accidental) Career as a CIA Analyst”
with Brenda Seaver, CIA, Analyst and UC Irvine Ph.D. Alumnus
Thursday, February 20, 2014
5:00-6:50 p.m.
Social Science Plaza A, Room 1100
When Seaver joined the CIA as an analyst in 2000--practically on a whim--she was flying blind. She admits to having few preconceived notions about what the career would entail, beyond what she read in Tom Clancy novels and a few intelligence community textbooks. What the UCI alum knew for certain was that she wanted to write about international affairs, travel overseas, and use her expertise to inform US policy. In her presentation, she will reflect on the high points of her career; what has kept her at CIA for 14 years; the greatest challenges facing CIA analysts today; and the most significant changes she has observed in the profession.
For further information, please contact Gloria Simpson, or 949-824-8687.
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