Sooner, Later or Never? Naturalization of the U.S. Immigrants, 1980-2010
The Center for Demographic and Social Analysis presents
"Sooner, Later or Never? Naturalization of the U.S. Immigrants, 1980-2010"
wtih Zoya Gubernskaya, Assistant Professor of Sociology, The University at Albany,
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Social Science Plaza B, Room 4250
This talk will cover data from the 2008-2010 American Community Survey to analyze the patterns of naturalization of the immigrants from 20 countries who arrived in the U.S. in the 1980-2010. Consistent with her expectations and previous research, foreign-born from the refugee-sending countries such as Russia and Vietnam naturalize at higher rates compared to other immigrants. Immigrants from Mexico and Latin America, many of whom are likely to be undocumented, have the lowest naturalization rates. The naturalization rates of the foreign-born from Asia, South America and the Caribbean are in the middle range. The patterns of naturalization also vary by demographic characteristics. Specifically, females from most countries are more likely to naturalize compared to males. While marriage to a citizen increases probability of naturalization for women, it has no effect or even decreases the probability of naturalization for men. Age at migration and period of migration have very different effects depending on the country of origin, reflecting a history of migration of a specific group. Additionally, serving in the U.S. military is a path to citizenship for some foreign-born.
This talk is part of the Population, Society & Inequality Colloquium Series.
For further information, please contact Sylvia Lotito,
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