SoCal PhilMath + PhilLogic + FoM Workshop 4
SoCal PhilMath + PhilLogic + FoM is a small series of one-day workshops on topics in philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of logic, philosophical logic, and foundations of mathematics, designed to provide a forum in which members of the southern California community with interests in these topics can meet, interact, and learn about each other’s new work as well as those of the occasional external speaker. The series is organized and sponsored by the USC School of Philosophy, the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science at UC Irvine, the UC Irvine Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History, and Applications, the UCLA Logic Center, the UCLA Philosophy Department, and the Kurt Gödel Society.
Related UC Irvine Link: The Logic Seminar
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Speakers: Wayne Aitken, Jeffrey Barrett, Michael Ernst, Hartry Field, Paula Quinon
Location: USC Mudd Hall, Room 102, maps & directions | parking
11:00-12:30 Hartry Field (New York University).
NOTE: this is a discussion session on the paper Naive Truth and Restricted Quantification that is intended to be read in advance
12:30-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2:15 Michael Ernst (UC Irvine)
2:15-2.30 Break
2:30-4:00 Wayne Aitken (Cal State San Marcos) and Jeffrey Barrett
(UC Irvine)
4:00-4:15 Break
4:15-5:45 Paula Quinon (Lund University)
7:00-9:00 Dinner
Email Andrew Bacon to register. Please indicate whether or not you’d like to attend the dinner. Organized
by Andrew Bacon and Gabriel Uzquiano.
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