Labor Market and Cultural Factors in the Relative Risk of a Nonmarital Birth
The Center for Demographic and Social Analysis and Department of Sociology present
"Labor Market and Cultural Factors in the Relative Risk of a Nonmarital Birth"
with Andrew Cherlin, Griswold Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, Johns Hopkins
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Social Science Plaza A, Room 2112
Over the past several decades, the proportion of children born outside of marriage has increased. Much of the increase has occurred to cohabiting young adults with high school educations. Both cultural and labor-market explanations have been offered to explain this trend. This presentation explores the connection between a young adult's likelihood of having a child outside of marriage, on the one hand, and local labor market conditions and state-level, fertility-related cultural indicators.
This event is part of the Population, Society and Inequality Colloquium Series.
For further information, please contact Sylvia Lotito, or 949-824-3344.
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