UCI Student Summit on the 2012 Presidential Election
The School of Social Sciences presents
"UCI Student Summit on the 2012 Presidential Election"
Monday, October 15, 2012
2:00-5:00 p.m.
UCI Student Center, Doheny Beach A
This summit will bring together a panel of UC Irvine students to discuss the 2012 presidential election. The event will be moderated by journalist/blogger Alexander Heffner. Heffner founded the first-ever online national student newspaper covering the 2008 presidential election and writes about the youth vote. Hear what UCI students have to say about the November presidential election. What are the issues facing students in 2012, and what do they think of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama?
This event is free and open to all. It is co-sponsored by the UCI Center for the Study of Democracy, Department of Political Science, Associated Graduate Students of UCI and Associated Students of UCI.
For further information, please contact Teresa Neighbors, teresa.neighbors@uci.edu or 949-824-9229.
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