DIGITIZED: Life Transformed
Digital technologies and applications enrich opportunities for learning, working, playing and conducting daily transactions. Full digital immersion is fast becoming the cultural norm. What are the implications for society? Calit2 presents an opportunity to discover the ways digital technology is altering education; find out how the cloud empowers businesses; learn how mobile phones have changed banking; understand how technology-based interactivity can be impacted by cultural expectations; see how digital devices are evolving; and experience the future in collaborative display systems.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
5:00-8:30 p.m.
Calit2 Auditorium (bldg 325 on campus map)
Presenters (in alphabetical order):
- Michael Carey, Bren professor of information and computer sciences, will share his expertise on cloud computing and the implications of "big data" for businesses and individuals.
- Maneesh Goyal, general partner, MergerTech Capital, will discuss how social/cloud computing and mobile/wireless platforms can be used to enable personalized health and fitness applications, as well as point out what investors are looking for in this startup space.
- Mimi Ito, research director for the Digital Media and Learning Hub, will explain how a highly successful Chicago-based digital learning center for youth can and should be replicated in Southern California.
- Scott Mainwaring, senior researcher for Intel Labs Interaction and Experience Research, will talk about the next big social computing trends on the horizon.
- Bill Maurer, professor of anthropology and director of the Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion, will present the development and usage of digital currency and mobile banking in developing nations, and the potential market opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs.
There is a $30 charge for the event, payable at the door. Pre-registration and more information may be found online at http://www.calit2.uci.edu/calit2-events/calendar.aspx?eid=521.
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