A Randomized Evaluation of a Large-Scale Sanitation Program in Indonesia
The UCI Public Health Seminar Series presents
"A Randomized Evaluation of a Large-Scale Sanitation Program in Indonesia"
with Manisha Shah, Assistant Professor, Economics, UC Irvine
Monday, April 23, 2012
12:00-1:00 p.m.
Social Ecology I, Room 112
About the talk:
Shah's talk will will focus on the impact of a large-scale national sanitation program
on child health in rural East Java. She reviewed over 2000 randomly selected households
in both treatment and comparison villages to better understand the causal impact of
a sanitation program on various child health outcomes, such as diarrhea, anemia, and
cognitive development. The sanitation program, called "Total Sanitation and Sanitation
Marketing" (TSSM), is a community-led informational campaign that is intended to stimulate
demand for improved sanitation practices, but does not provide free infrastructure
as this strategy has proven unsuccessful in the past.
About the speaker:
Manisha Shah is an assistant professor in the Department of Economics at the University
of California, Irvine. She received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.
Her primary research interests lie at the intersection of development economics, applied
microeconomics and health policy. Her recent work investigates the influence of economic
incentives on risk behavior choices and health outcomes of poor women in developing
countries. Shah also conducts research in the area of child health and has written
papers on how child development affects maternal labor supply decisions as well as
the allocation of resources within a household. She has collected data and conducted
fieldwork in Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, Indonesia, and India.
For further information, please contact Susan Rattigan, susan.rattigan@uci.edu or 949-824-8214.
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