The New Midwife in Modern Japan
The Center for Asian Studies presents
"The New Midwife in Modern Japan"
with Julie Rousseau, Assistant Clinical Professor, Program in Nursing Science, University
of California, Irvine
Thursday, March 8, 2012
4:00 p.m.
Krieger Hall, Room 200E
About the talk:
A rectangular black leather bag held by a woman moving night or day through early
twentieth century urban landscapes proved an iconic marker of the Modern Midwife.
The black bag identified the midwife, and signaled the secret movements and practices
of midwifery, or, as James Joyce's Stephen Dedalus in Ulysses (1922) queried upon
sighting a Dublin midwife, "What has she in the bag?" In this talk, Rousseau will
explore this pivotal question: What was in modern midwifery bags or what constituted
the material culture driving changing practices for midwives and birthing families.
She will explore how the "new midwife" in Japan (shin sanba) transported the consumer
goods and practices of sanitized childbirth and modern hygiene into the homes and
bodies of women in urban Japan in the 1920s-1940s.
About the speaker:
Julie Rousseau is an assistant clinical professor in the program in nursing science
at the University of California, Irvine. She holds a doctorate in history (modern
Japan and medical history) and a master's degree in nursing from Columbia University,
and is a certified nurse midwife. She teaches clinical ethics, professional issues
in nursing, and senior research, in addition to her didactic and clinical teaching
in women's health at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Her research focuses
on the material culture and translational practices of obstetrics and midwifery across
borders and historical periods. She is currently co-chair of the American College
of Nurse Midwives in Los Angeles where she lives.
For more information, please contact Sandy Cushman, or 949-824-3344
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