Are Great Apes Capable of Level 1 Visual Perspective Taking?
The Logic & Philosophy of Science Colloquium Series presents
"Are Great Apes Capable of Level 1 Visual Perspective Taking?"
with Marta Helina, University of California, San Diego
Thursday, February 23, 2012
3:00 p.m.
Social Science Tower, Room 777
Level 1 visual perspective taking (VPT1) is the ability of one agent to infer what
objects another agent can or cannot see, given that other agent’s point of view. Over
the last decade, comparative psychologists have conducted a variety of experiments
aimed at testing whether chimpanzees have VPT1 abilities. The results of these experiments
have been largely positive, leading to a consensus among researchers that chimpanzees
are capable of VPT1. However, several psychologists and philosophers have recently
leveled a criticism against this consensus. Their criticism is two-pronged: First,
they argue that all of the results that are taken as evidence that great apes have
VPT1 abilities are obtained from experiments that cannot, even in principle, provide
evidence for or against a subject being capable of VPT1. Second, the critics argue
that there are two experimental paradigms, experience-projection and false-belief,
that can provide evidence for or against VPT1 abilities, and great apes are unable
to pass tests in either paradigm. Given these two points, the critics hold that the
empirical evidence strongly suggests that apes do not have VPT1 abilities. In this
talk, Helina will show that experience-projection and false-belief experiments fail
to pass the critics’ own requirements of what counts as a properly designed test of
VPT1 abilities. In fact, it is difficult to imagine any experiment that could meet
these criteria. One lesson that one might draw from this is that it is not possible
to empirically test for VPT1 abilities in great apes. An alternative lesson, however,
is that the critics’ criteria for what counts as experimental evidence for VPT1 abilities
is overly demanding. Helina argues for the latter position and suggests that we instead
adopt the criteria that are already implicitly endorsed by comparative psychologists.
For further information, please contact Patty Jones, or 949-824-1520.
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