The Evolution of Religious and Social Norms
How do social norms arise? What role does religion play in the origin and persistence of social norms? How does this role emerge in a dynamic religious market? How can the ideas and methodological tools of evolutionary game theory and biology help answer these and other questions about the complex role of social norms and religion in our evolutionary past and today? The Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences presents a conference that will bring together leading researchers from various disciplines ─ biology, sociology, economics, and philosophy ─ to address these questions. By bringing together interdisciplinary insights, complementarities in thought and understanding about the complex role of religion and social norms in society will emerge.
"The Evolution of Religious and Social Norms"
A two-day conference
January 27-28, 2012
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Social Science Plaza A, Room 2112
Click here for a speaker list and further information about this conference or contact Janet Phelps,
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