Economic Democracy and Alternative Futures
The Chican@/Latin@ Graduate Student Collective presents
"Economic Democracy and Alternative Futures"
with Tom Hayden, Activist
November 29, 2011
7:00 p.m.
Humanities Gateway, Room 1030
About the talk:
After over fifty years of activism, politics and writing, Tom Hayden is still a leading
voice for ending the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, for erasing sweatshops,
saving the environment, and reforming politics through a more participatory democracy.
In the late 1970s he was a leading figure for the Campaign for Economic Democracy
and wrote about the failures of the American corporate led economy and advocated for
more democratic alternatives that would empower people and their communities. In light
of the current economic crisis, rising unemployment and the extreme polarization of
wealth in the U.S., his call for economic democracy rings more true than ever.
Moderated By Dr. Rodolfo D. Torres | Introduction by Alfredo Carlos, M.A.
Sponsored by: Chican@/Latin@ Graduate Student Collective; Department of Policy, Planning
and Design; Community Outreach Partnership Center; Vice Chancellor for
Student Affairs; Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies; Department of Chicano/Latino
Studies; Department of Asian American Studies; Associated Graduate Students; Graduate
For further information, please contact Alfredo Carlos,
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