International State of Emergency
The UC Irvine Center for the Study of Democracy, Department of Political Science, and School of Law present the 2011 Eckstein Lecture:
“International State of Emergency”
with Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
10:00–10:50 a.m.
Social Science Lecture Hall (SSLH) 100
This lecture is free and open to the public.
Kim Lane Scheppele is the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School and the University Center for Human Values, and director of the Program in Law and Public Affairs at Princeton University. A graduate of Barnard College (A.B.) and the University of Chicago (Ph.D.), she has taught law, political science, public policy, gender studies and sociology at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, University of Michigan and Central European University, Budapest. Her many publications include scholarly articles in law reviews and academic journals and the award-winning Legal Secrets: Equality and Efficiency in the Common Law (University of Chicago Press). After the revolutions of 1989, she focused her attention on the transformation of the countries under Soviet domination into constitutional rule-of-law states. Since 9/11, she has researched the effects of the international "war on terror" on constitutional protections around the world. Her forthcoming book, Judging After 9/11, will be published in early 2012 by Harvard University Press.
For additional information, please contact the Center for the Study of Democracy, 949-824-2904 or
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