The Implications of Drones on the Just War Tradition
The UCI Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality presents
“The Implications of Drones on the Just War Tradition”
with Daniel R. Brunstetter, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science,
UCI and Megan Braun Rhodes Scholar, Oxford University
Friday, May 20, 2011
12:30-2:00 p.m.
Social Science Plaza B, Room 5250
As the war on terror moves forward, the U.S. has come to rely more and more on drones to counter the threat posed by terrorism. Drones have arguably enjoyed significant successes in denying terrorists save haven while limiting civilian casualties and protecting U.S. soldiers, but their use has raised ethical concerns. The aim of Brunstetter’s talk is to explore some of the ethical issues raised by the use of drones using the just war tradition as a foundation. He will argue that drones offer the capacity to extend the threshold of last resort for large scale wars by allowing a leader to act more proportionately on just cause. To the extent they become the principle tactic used to fight the war on terror, this will reshape the notion of right intention. However, while being technically capable of improving adherence to jus in bello principles of discrimination and proportionality, concerns regarding transparency and indiscriminate strikes, especially with CIA operated drones, may undermine the probability of success in the war on terror.
For more information, please contact Sandy Cushman,
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