The $4 Trillion Question: Medical Care, Spiraling Costs and the Ethics of Consumer Involvement
The UCI Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality presents
"The $4 Trillion Question: Medical Care, Spiraling Costs and the Ethics of Consumer
with Alexander Bernard Lindgren, UCI Tobis Fellow
Biochemistry, Pomona College Class of ‘08, University of Minnesota Class of ‘12
Friday, April 8, 2011
12:30-2:00 p.m.
Social Science Plaza B, Room 5250
As the recent Republican budget demonstrates, the cost of health-care has come to consume an ever-increasing share of national resources, despite a failure to provide universal care in the world’s wealthiest country. In the long term, unless addressed, this problem will bankrupt the nation or leave millions without healthcare. What are the core factors driving this issue, and how can we begin to address them in the long-term? Although blame has been laid at numerous doors, no one solution has successfully presented itself, and the debate continues to dominate the political discourse. This lecture will look at these problems, in particular focusing upon the issue of consumer involvement in the medical field, as well as the functional and ethical difficulties which would accompany a single-payor system.
A light lunch will be provided.
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