Looking in the Mirror: Critical Reflections on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The Olive Tree Initiative presents
"Looking in the Mirror: Critical Reflections on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"
Thursday, October 21, 2010
6:00 p.m.
UCI Student Center – Crystal Cove Auditorium
Reception following discussion
The Olive Tree Initiative, a diverse group of UCI students, and the third set to travel to the Middle East, just returned from listening to perspectives from Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian academics, community leaders, politicians and activists. The mission of the journey was to gain knowledge beyond second hand information and mainstream media reports by hearing directly from Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians. Come dialogue with the group as they share what they learned with the community.
OTI will be receiving recognition for its exemplary program at the U. S. Summit for Global Citizen Diplomacy's three-day summit in November. The event is a partnership between the USCCD and the U. S. Department of State. International delegations as well as corporate, philanthropic, nonprofit and educational communities will participate. Additional information regarding this new and exciting honor can be found at http://uscenterforcitizendiplomacy.org/summit/u.s.-summit-initiative-for-global-citizen-diplomacy/.
For further information, please contact Daniel Wehrenfennig, oti@uci.edu, or visit
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