Speak, Write, Paint: Colonial Scripts and Indigenous Literacies in Latin America
The Group for the Study of Early Cultures, International Center for Writing and Translation, Center for Ethnography, Office of Undergraduate Study, Center in Law, Culture, and Society, and History Department present:
"Speak, Write, Paint: Colonial Scripts and Indigenous Literacies in Latin America"
A Symposium
Friday, February 19, 2010
10:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Humanities Gateway, Room 1010
Featured presentations include:
“Conflicting Nahua and Spanish Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico in the Florentine
Codex” with Kevin Terraciano, History, UCLA
“Atahualpa’s ‘Encounter with the Word’ Revisited Two Decades Later” with Patricia
Seed, History, UCI
“Objects/Records/Memories: Colonial Andean Literacies” with Carolyn Dean, History
of Art & Visual Culture, UC Santa Cruz
Commentary provided by:
Ivette Hernández-Torres, Chair, Spanish & Portuguese, UCI
Rachel Sarah O’toole, History, UCI
Adriana Michele Campos Johnson, Comparative Literature, UCI
Alka Patel, Art History, UCI
Reception will be held at the home of Jane O. Newman, 16 Eliot Court.
For further information, please contact Rachel Sarah O’Toole, rotoole@uci.edu.
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