Rainbow Festival & Conference 2009: Leading Women of the World
The Cross-Cultural Center, in conjunction with Verizon Wireless presents
"Rainbow Festival & Conference 2009: Leading Women of the World"
Malalai Joya, Afghan Activist
Thursday, November 5, 2009
7:00-8:00 p.m.
UC Irvine Student Center, Crystal Cove Auditorium
Joya made international headlines when she denounced the Taliban as criminals at a constitutional assembly in Kabul in 2003. Gaining an army of supporters and enemies simultaneously, Joya became the youngest-ever member of Afghan parliament. In her newly published political memoir, A Woman Among Warlords, Joya uses her personal experiences to outline the past three decades of rule in Afghanistan. A book signing will follow her presentation.
Sponsors: UCI Bookstore, UCI Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, UCI Center for the Study of Democracy, Afghan Development Project, Afghan Women Mission, UCI Center for Persian Studies, UCI Office of the Dean of Students, and Gender Education Initiative.
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