Toward a Fiscal Social Science
The Department of Anthropology Tax and Social Inquiry Workshop Series presents:
"Toward a Fiscal Social Science"
Led by Bill Maurer, Department of Anthropology, UC Irvine
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Social Science Plaza B, Room 1208
The California state budget crisis has turned a spotlight on the consequences of taxation
and fiscal policy for higher education and, arguably, for all other aspects of social
life. The first workshop in the Tax and Social Inquiry series aims to begin an academic
conversation among anthropologists and other social scientists on the possibility
of a "fiscal social science" that would examine the cultural, social, political, legal
and public policy dynamics of taxation in comparative and historical perspective.
Taking the lead from the innovative research of the new fiscal sociology (Martin,
Mehrotra and Prasad 2009), we will read from the history, geography, sociology and
anthropology of taxation. The workshop is meant as an invitation to create ongoing
conversations in 2009-10 on tax and social inquiry. Future events will be planned
based on the outcome of the first workshop.
Note that Isaac Martin (Sociology, UCSD) is scheduled to give a colloquium to the
Department of Anthropology on October 20 at 3:30 p.m.
Readings and rationale available at
For further information, please contact Bill Maurer,
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