Laguna Workshop: Methodology of Pure and Applied Mathematics
The Department of Logic & Philosophy of Science presents:
"Laguna Workshop: Methodology of Pure and Applied Mathematics"
March 5-7, 2004
Hotel Laguna in Laguna Beach
Friday, March 5: Aspects of Pure Mathematics
9:00 Jamie Tappenden (Philosophy, Michigan), 'A case study in mathematical
explanation and reasoning styles: why do elliptic functions have two periods?'
10:30 Jeremy Avigad (Philosophy, CMU), 'Mathematical method and proof'
2:00 Paolo Mancosu (Philosophy, UC Berkeley), 'Visualization in logic and mathematics'
3:30 Alasdair Urquhart (Philosophy, Toronto), 'Non-rigorous mathematics --
is it really mathematics?'
Saturday, March 6: Current Thinking on the Continuum Hypothesis
9:00 Hugh Woodin (Mathematics, UC Berkeley) (transparencies)
10:30 John Steel (Mathematics, UC Berkeley) (transparencies)
2:00 Matt Foreman (Mathematics, UC Irvine)
3:30 Tony Martin (Mathematics and Philosophy, UCLA)
Sunday, March 7: Aspects of Applied Mathematics
9:00 Sheldon Smith (Philosophy, UCLA),'Continuous bodies and contact interactions:
the view from applied mathematics'
10:30 Mark Wilson (Philosophy, Pittsburgh), 'Something's gotta give'
A breakfast buffet will be available each morning of the conference beginning at 8:00 a.m. in the Catalina meeting room.
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