2006 |
B., & Lu, Z.-L. The functional form of performance
improvements in perceptual
learning: Learning rates and transfer, Psychological
Science, in press.
2006 |
B., & Lu, Z.-L. Levels and mechanisms of perceptual
learning: Learning 1st order
luminance and 2nd order texture objects. Vision
Research, 46, 1996-2007. [11 pp] [
2006 |
Lu, Z.-L., Chu, W., & Dosher, B. Perceptual learning of motion
direction discrimination in
fovea: Separate mechanisms. Vision Research, 46, 2315-2327. [13 pp] [
2006 |
L., Jeon, S.-T., Lu, Z.-L., & Dosher, B. Bayesian adaptive
estimation of threshold
versus contrast external noise functions. Vision Research,
46, 3160-3176. [16 pp] [
2006 |
Dao, D. Y., Lu,
Z.-L., & Dosher, B. Adaptation to sine wave gratings
selectively reduces the
sensory gaim of the adapted stimulus. Journal of Vision,
6(7), 739-759. [20 pp]
2006 |
A., Dosher, B., & Lu, Z.-L. Perceptual learning without
feedback in non-stationary
environments: Data and model. Vision Research, 46,
3177-3197. [20 pp] [
2005 |
Lu, Z.-L., Chu, W., Dosher, B., & Lee, S. Perceptual learning of
Gabor orientation identification in visual periphery: Complete inter-ocular
transfer of learning mechanisms.
Vision Research, 45, 2500-2510.
[11 pp] [
2005 |
B., & Lu, Z. Perceptual learning in clear displays optimizes
performance: Learning
the limiting process. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, USA 104, 5286-5290. [5 pp] [
2005 |
Lu, Z., Chu, W., & Dosher, B. Independent perceptual learning in
monocular and binocular
motion systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, USA, 102, 5624-5629. [6
pp] [
2005 |
Lu, Z.-L., Chu, W., Dosher, B., & Lee, S. Perceptual learning of
Gabor orientation identification in visual periphery: Complete inter-ocular
transfer of learning mechanisms.
Vision Research, in press.
2005 |
Lu, Z., Neuse,
J., Madigan, S., & Dosher, B. Fast decay of iconic
memory in observers with mild cognitive impairment. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, USA, 102, 1797-1802. [6 pp] [
2005 |
A. A., Dosher, B., & Lu, Z. The dynamics of perceptual
learning: An incremental channel reweighting. Psychological Review, 112, 715-743. [29
pp] [
2005 |
Lu, Z.-L. & Dosher, B. Brain mechanisms of attention. In
Cognitive Neuroscience (translated
into Chinese),
Edited by Y.-J. Luo, J. Yang and K. Cheng.
Peking University Press, Beijing, China.
2004 |
B., Liu, S.-H., Blair, N., & Lu, Z.-L. The spatial window of
the perceptual template and endogenous attention. Vision Research, Special
Issue on Attention, 44, 1257-1271.
[15 pp] [
2004 |
Lu, Z.-L., Jeon, T.-S., & Dosher, B. Temporal tuning of the
perceptual template: Effects of cuing of spatial attention.
Vision Research, Special
Issue on Attention, 44, 1333-1350. [18 pp]
2004 |
T. M., Kowler, E., & Dosher, B. Dynamic allocation of visual
attention during the execution of sequences of saccades. Vision Research, Special
Issue on Attention, 44, 1469-1483. [15 pp]
2004 |
Lu, Z.-L. & Dosher, B. Spatial attention excludes external noise
without changing the spatial frequency tuning of the perceptual template.
Journal of
Vision, 4, 955-966. [12 pp]
2004 |
B., & Lu, Z.-L. Mechanisms of perceptual learning. In Itti,
L. & Rees, G. (Eds.), Neurobiology of Attention. MIT Press, 471-476. [6 pp] [
2004 |
Lu, Z.-L., & Dosher, B. External noise discriminates mechanisms
of attention. In Itti, L., & Rees, G. (Eds.) Neurobiology of Attention. MIT Press.
[6 pp]
2004 |
Lu, Z.-L., & Dosher, B. Perceptual learning retunes the
perceptual template in foveal orientation identifation. Journal of Vision, 4,
44-56. [13 pp] [
2004 |
B, Han, S. & Lu, Z.-L. Time course of asymmetric visual
search. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance,
30, 3-27. [34 pp] [
2003 |
B. Working memory. Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Vol.
4. ,p. 569-577. [9 pp] [
2003 |
Han, S., Dosher, B., & Lu, Z.-L. Object attention revisited:
Boundary conditions and mechanisms. Psychological Science, 14, 598-604. [7
pp] [
2003 |
B., & McElree, B. Memory search. For Squire, L. R. &
Wachsberger, K. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory, NY: MacMillan.
[5 pp]
2002 |
McBride, D. M.,
& Dosher, B. Conceptual and automatic
processing of implicit memory for pictures
and words. Consciousness and Cognition: An International
Journal, 11, 423-460. [38 pp] [
2002 |
Lu, Z.-L., Lesmes, L., & Dosher,
B. Spatial attention excludes noise at the
target location. Journal of Vision, 2, 312-323. [12 pp] [
2001 |
McBride, D. M., Dosher, B., & Gage, N. A comparison of
forgetting for conscious and automatic memory processes in word fragment completion
tasks. Journal of Memory and
Language, 45, 585-615. [30 pp]
2001 |
Lu, Z-L., & Dosher, B. Characterizing the spatial frequency
characteristics of perceptual templates. Journal of the
Optical Society of America, A. 18, 2041-2053 [12 pp] [
2001 |
McElree, B. M. & Dosher,
B. The focus of attention in space and time.
Behavior and Brain Sciences.
2001 |
Munnich, E., Landau, B. & Dosher,
B. Spatial language and visual memory for location. Cognition, 81, 171-207. [37 pp] [
2000 |
Lu, Z.-L., Liu, C. Q., & Dosher, B. Attention mechanisms for
first- and second-order motion perception.
Research, 40, 173-186. [14 pp] [
2000 |
B., & Lu, Z.-L. Noise exclusion in spatial cuing of
attention. Psychological Science, 11, 139-146.
pp] [
2000 |
B., & Lu, Z.-L. Mechanisms of perceptual attention in
multi-location cueing. Vision Research,
1269-1292. [24 pp] [
2000 |
Lu, Z. L., & Dosher, B. Spatial attention: Different mechanisms
for central and peripheral temporal cues? Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 26, 1534-1548. [15 pp]
1999 |
McBride, D., & Dosher, B. Forgetting rates are comparable in
conscious and automatic memory: A process-dissociation
study. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
Memory, & Cognition, 25,508-607. [25 pp]
1999 |
Lu, Z.-L., & Dosher, B. Characterizing human perceptual
inefficiencies with equivalent internal noise.
of the Optical Society of America. A, 16, 764-778. [15
pp] [
1999 |
Dosher, B., and Lu, Z.-L. Mechanisms of perceptual
learning. Vision Research, 39, 3197-3221. [25 pp]
1999 |
Dosher, B. Forgetting due to items and time during output
from short term memory. International Journal of
Psychology (Special Issue on Working Memory), 34,
276-285. (Reprinted in I. Neath, G.D.A. Brown, M. Poirer,
C. Fortin (Eds.) Short-term/Working
Memory. Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Co.) [10 pp]
1998 |
McBride, D. M., & Dosher, B. A comparison of forgetting in
implicit and explicit memory tasks. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: General, 126, 371-392. [22 pp]
1998 |
B. Models of visual search: Finding a face in the crowd. In Sternberg, S., & Scarborough, D. (Eds.), Invitation
to Cognitive Science, Vol 4, 455-521. [67 pp]
1998 |
B., & Ma, J.-J. Output loss or rehearsal loop? Output time
vs pronunciation time limits in immediate recall in
forgetting-matched materials. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition,
24, 316-335.
[20 pp]
1998 |
Lu, L-L., & Dosher, B. External noise distinguishes attention
mechanisms. Vision Research, 38, 1183-1198.
[16 pp] [
1998 |
Dosher, B. The response window
regression method: Some problematic assumptions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,
127, 311-317. [7 pp]
1998 |
Dosher, B., & Sperling, G. A century of human information
processing theory: Vision, attention, memory. In Hochberg,
J. (Ed.) Perception and Cognition at Century's End:
Handbook of Perception and Cognition .p. 199-252. [54
pp] [
1998 |
Dosher, B., & Lu, Z.-L. Perceptual learning reflects
external noise filtering and internal noise reduction
through channel reweighting. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Science, 95, 13988-13993. [6 pp]
1997 |
Dosher, B., & Rosedale, G. Configural processes in multi-cue
priming of recognition. Cognitive Psychology,
209-267. [57 pp]
1995 |
Sperling, G., & Dosher, B. Depth from motion. In Papathomas, T. V., et. al (Eds.) Early Vision and Beyond.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [11 pp] [
1995 |
Kowler, E., Anderson, E., Dosher, B., Blaser, E. The role of
attentional shifts in the programming of saccades. Vision
Research, 35, 1897-1916. [20 pp] [
1993 |
McElree, B., & Dosher, B. Serial comparison processes in
judgments of order.
Journal of Experimental Psychology:
General, 122, 291-315. [25 pp] [
1992 |
Dosher, B. A., & McElree, B. Memory search: Retrieval
processes in short-termand long-term recognition.
Squire, L. R., et. al (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Learning and
Memory, NY: MacMillan. (pp. 398-406) [9 pp]
1991 |
M.S., Dosher, B.A., Sperling, G., & Perkins, M.E. Kinetic
depth effect and optic flow−II. Fourier and nonFourier
motion. Vision Research, 31, 859-876. [18 pp] [
1991 |
Dosher, B.A., & Rosedale, G. Judgments of semantic and
episodic relatedness: Common time-course and failure of
segregation. Journal of Memory and Language, 30,
125-160. [36
1991 |
Dosher, B. A. Bias and discrimination in cuing of memory: A
weighted decisions model. In Hockley, W. & Lewandowsky, S.
(Eds.) Relating theory and data in memory, NJ:
Erlbaum, pp. 14-1 - 14-30. [30 pp]
1989 |
Sperling, G. & Dosher, B.A.
Strategy and optimization in human information processing.
In K. Boff, L. Kaufman, & J. Thomas (Eds.).
Handbook of Perception and Performance. New York:
Wiley. [66 pp] [
1989 |
Dosher, B.A., McElree, B., Hood, R.M.,
& Rosedale, G. Retrieval dynamics of priming in recognition memory:
Bias or discrimination effect. Journal of experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 15, 868-886.
[19pp] [
1989 |
Dosher, B.A., & Rosedale, G. Integrated
retrieval cues as a mechanism for priming. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: General, 118, 191-218. [28 pp]
1989 |
McElree, B.M., & Dosher, B.A. Serial
position and set size in short term memory: Time course of
recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,
118, 346-373. [28 pp] [
1989 |
Dosher, B.A., Landy, M.S., & Sperling,
G. Ratings of kinetic depth in multi-dot displays. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 15,
816-825. [10 pp]
1989 |
Sperling, G., Landy, M.S., Dosher, B.A., & . Perkins,
M.E. The kinetic depth effect and
the identification of
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human
Perception and Performance, 15, 826-840. [15 pp]
1989 |
B.A., Landy, M.S., & Sperling, G. Kinetic depth effect and
optic flow−I. 3D shape from Fourier motion.
Research, 29, 1789-1813. [25 pp] [
1986 |
Dosher, B.A., Sperling, G. & Wurst, S. Tradeoffs between
stereopsis and proximity luminance covariance as
determinants of perceived 3D structure. Vision
Research, 26, 973-990. [18 pp]
1984 |
Dosher, B.A. Discriminating preexperimental (semantic) from
experimental (episodic) associations: A speed accuracy
analysis. Cognitive Psychology, 16, 519-555. [37 pp]
1984 |
Dosher, B.A. Degree of learning and retrieval speed: Study
time and multiple exposures. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 10,
541-574. [34 pp]
1983 |
Dosher, B.A. Relational information in sentence memory.
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 12, 377-396.
1983 |
Russo, J.E. & Dosher, B.A. Strategies for multiattribute binary
choice. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Learning,
Memory and Cognition, 9, 676-696. [21 pp]
1982 |
Dosher, B.A. Effect of sentence size and network distance
on retrieval speed. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition,
8, 173-207. [35 pp]
1982 |
Dosher, B.A. Of activation nets and consciousness.
Contemporary Psychology, 27, 531-532. [2 pp]
1982 |
B.A. & Corbett, A.T. Instrument activation and verb
schemata. Memory and
Cognition, 10, 531-539.
[9 pp]
1981 |
B.A. The effects of delay and interference on retrieval
dynamics: Implications for retrieval models.
Cognitive Psychology, 13, 551-582.
[32 pp]
1980 |
Wickelgren, W.A., Corbett, A.T. & Dosher, B.A. Priming and
retrieval from short-term memory: A speed-accuracy tradeoff analysis. Journal of
Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 19, 387-404. [18 pp]
1979 |
B.A. Empirical approaches to information processing:
Speed-accuracy tradeoff functions or reaction time. Acta Psychologica, 43,
347-359. [13 pp]
1978 |
Corbett, A.T. & Dosher, B.A. Instrument inferences in
sentence encoding. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 17, 479-491.
[13 pp]
1976 |
B.A. The retrieval of sentences from memory: A
speed-accuracy study.
Cognitive Psychology, 8, 291-310. [20 pp]
1976 |
Dosher, B.A. & Russo, J.E. Memory for internally
generated stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 2, 633-640.
[8 pp]