Attention to a position in space or to an attribute such
as color can improve the ability to process information. This
project investigates two functions of attention - the
ability to amplify visual or auditory inputs through
attention, and the
ability to filter out non-target inputs.
Understanding attention in normal adults may help us
understand the role of
attention in development and the ways that attention
deficits impact information processing.
project has been supported by the Air Force Office of
Scientific Research, Life Sciences.
2005 |
Lu, Z.-L., Chu, W., Dosher, B., & Lee, S. Perceptual learning of
Gabor orientation identification in visual periphery: Complete inter-ocular
transfer of learning mechanisms,
Vision Research, 45, 2500-2510.
[11 pp] [
2004 |
B., Liu, S.-H., Blair, N., & Lu, Z.-L. The spatial window of
the perceptual template and endogenous attention. Vision Research, Special
Issue on Attention, 44, 1257-1271.
[15 pp] [
2004 |
Lu, Z.-L., Jeon, T.-S., & Dosher, B. Temporal tuning of the
perceptual template: Effects of cuing of spatial attention.
Vision Research, Special
Issue on Attention, 44, 1333-1350. [18 pp] [
2004 |
T. M., Kowler, E., & Dosher, B. Dynamic allocation of visual
attention during the execution of sequences of saccades. Vision Research, Special
Issue on Attention, 44, 1469-1483. [15 pp]
2004 |
Lu, Z.-L. & Dosher, B. Spatial attention excludes external noise
without changing the spatial frequency tuning of the perceptual template.
Journal of
Vision, 4, 955-966. [12 pp]
2004 |
B., & Lu, Z.-L. Mechanisms of perceptual learning. In Itti,
L. & Rees, G. (Eds.), Neurobiology of Attention. MIT Press, 471-476. [6 pp] [
2003 |
Han, S., Dosher, B., & Lu, Z.-L. Object attention revisited: Boundary conditions and mechanisms. Psychological Science, 14, 598-604. [7
pp] [
2002 |
Lu, Z.-L., Lesmes, L., & Dosher, B. Spatial
attention excludes noise at the target
location. Journal of Vision, 2, 312-323. [12 pp] [
2001 |
Lu, Z-L., & Dosher, B. Characterizing the spatial frequency
characteristics of perceptual templates. Journal of the
Optical Society of America, A. 18, 2041-2053 [12 pp] [
2000 |
Lu, Z.-L., Liu, C. Q., & Dosher, B. Attention mechanisms for
first- and second-order motion perception.
Research, 40, 173-186. [14 pp] [
2000 |
B., & Lu, Z.-L. Noise exclusion in spatial cuing of
attention. Psychological Science, 11, 139-146.
pp] [
2000 |
Dosher, B., & Lu, Z.-L.
Mechanisms of perceptual attention in multi-location cueing.
Vision Research,
1269-1292. [24 pp] [
2000 |
Lu, Z. L., & Dosher, B. Spatial attention: Different mechanisms
for central and peripheral temporal cues? Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 26, 1534-1548. [15 pp] [
1998 |
B. Models of visual search: Finding a face in the crowd. In Sternberg, S., & Scarborough, D. (Eds.), Invitation
to Cognitive Science, Vol 4, 455-521. [67 pp]
1998 |
Lu, L-L., & Dosher, B. External noise distinguishes attention
mechanisms. Vision Research, 38, 1183-1198.
[16 pp] [
1998 |
Dosher, B., & Sperling, G. A century of human information
processing theory: Vision, attention, memory. In Hochberg,
J. (Ed.) Perception and Cognition at Century's End:
Handbook of Perception and Cognition .p. 199-252. [54
pp] [
1995 |
Sperling, G., & Dosher, B. Depth from motion. In Papathomas, T. V., et. al (Eds.) Early Vision and Beyond.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [11 pp] [
1995 |
Kowler, E., Anderson, E., Dosher, B., Blaser, E. The role of
attentional shifts in the programming of saccades. Vision
Research, 35, 1897-1916. [20 pp] [
1989 |
Sperling, G. & Dosher, B.A.
Strategy and optimization in human information processing.
In K. Boff, L. Kaufman, & J. Thomas (Eds.). Handbook of
Perception and Performance. New York: Wiley. [66 pp] [