uci social sciences ALMUNI NETWORK
Wherever you go, Stay Social!
UCI Social Sciences Alumni Network Coffee Meet Up at A Market, hosted by Dennis Kause
Your connection to UC Irvine doesn’t end when you graduate. In fact, it’s just the beginning. As a UCI social sciences alumnus, you belong to a growing Alumni Network over 58,000 Anteaters strong who continue to make remarkable contributions around the world.
In addition to exciting engagement opportunities offered by the university-wide UCI Alumni Association, upon graduation, all social sciences alumni are automatically considered a member of the UCI School of Social Sciences Alumni Network, a lifelong network committed to building relationships, providing camaraderie, and forging meaningful connections with the school.
The UCI social sciences Anteater family is a shared bond that knows no boundaries – it is a powerful network that offers exclusive opportunities for alumni across the globe to stay in touch with each other, the school, and the Anteater family.
Wherever you live, work, or travel, the UCI Social Sciences Alumni Network offers virtual and in-person opportunities for engagement throughout the year.
Through our online community, be Bold 2.2 - a networking series that connects alumni around the world through peer-to-peer engagement - strengthens and enriches bonds across the Network. Check out the calendar of events via our QR code to find out how you can stay close to your social sciences Anteater family.
Whether you’re looking to connect and collaborate with alumni in your chosen field or with those who share your interests, we offer a myriad of ways for you to get involved. Start by joining our UCI Social Sciences Alumni Network LinkedIn.
When you engage in the UCI Social Sciences Alumni Network, and all the network has to offer you, the reach and connectivity is unmatched.
There, and through our class notes updates, catch up with classmates and share your adventures, successes, and family news.
Become a supporting UCI Social Sciences Alumni Network Gold Member and “Stay Social”
As a Gold Member, you provide additional support to key programs and services that impact our greatest needs and help position our school for excellence. Alumni Network programs and services are powered by Gold Members and made possible by the support of Anteaters like you!
To learn more about engagement opportunities, contact Tracy Arcuri, tarcuri@uci.edu, Liz Codispoti, e.codispoti@uci.edu, or visit us online at www.alumni.socsci.uci.edu/. And wherever you go, Stay Social!
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