from the DEAN
Bill Maurer
Professor, Anthropology & Law
What an incredible time we’re living in. As the COVID-19 reality has turned kitchen counters into computer space and couches into classrooms, we are all learning just how resourceful and flexible we can be when faced with adversity. And nowhere is that more evident than in our UCI social sciences Anteaters.
You can feel it in our student stories - like Samantha Tan, ’20 economics, who’s breaking ground internationally as one of the fastest and youngest women in her racing class, and inspiring legions of young girls along the way. And Sasha Yusuf, ’20 sociology, who’s overcome every obstacle thrown his way - including a period he spent homeless as an undergrad - to realize his educational aspi¬rations and acceptance to Columbia Law School.
You see it alive and well in our alumni and Dean’s Leadership Society members like Claudia Keller and Ofer Horn whose professional roles are shifting with COVID-19 to help those impacted by the economic turmoil left in its wake.
And you can feel it in our boundaryless research - like cognitive scientist Aaron Bornstein’s new model for addiction - and service that continues remotely through programs including DIRHA and Global Connect that are inspiring thousands of high school students with messages of international importance and inclusion.
No matter the circumstance, the UCI social sciences maverick spirit will prevail
in creating positive change. Sending positive vibes to our community near and far!
As we continue to drive our world class institution forward, I’m reminded daily of the resiliency of the Anteater spirit. I feel so incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by such an amazing crew - chief among them our staff who are pulling together daily to keep our operations running smoothly. This collective community spirit gives me the utmost confidence to say that when things return to normal - whatever that may look like - UCI social sciences Anteaters will be leading the way, just as they always have, through bold research, teaching, and service. Because that’s the social sciences Anteater way.
I hope you enjoy this fully digital version of Be Bold as much as I do. May the stories inspire hope that no matter the circumstance, our maverick Anteater spirit will prevail in creating positive change.
Be safe and be well,
Bill Maurer
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