Examples of current projects


How the perceptual horizon affects 3D motion perception


The perceived layout of objects and the relation between the judged size and judged distance of objects in a 3D scene depends on the position of the objects relative to the perceptual horizon.The location of the perceptual horizon is determined by both the implied vanishing point in a scene and the location at which the visible surface terminates.We are currently studying the effect of the location of the perceptual horizon on the perceived trajectory of moving objects.Observers view scenes in which an object moves against a linear perspective line drawing background or a real scene background.The location of perceptual horizon is varied by changing the height of the implied vanishing point and the height at which the visible ground surface terminates.An object moves with a constant projected speed to a constant height along one of three linear motion paths: diagonal from lower left to upper right, diagonal from lower right to upper left or vertical from bottom to top.Observers are asked to judge whether object has changed its motion path in 3D or traveled along a straight path.The level of the implied vanishing point has a significant effect on the perception of a change in the motion path, whereas the height at which the surface terminates does not.However, the height at which the surface terminates interacts with the level of the implied vanishing point in determining observers� perception of the motion trajectories.These results suggest that the perceived trajectories of objects in a scene depend on the location of the perceptual horizon, which is affected both by the implied vanishing point and by the height at which the ground surface terminates. (Ozkan & Braunstein, 2008 Vision Sciences Society Meeting)


Judging the path of an object moving in a 3D scene


Observers have been shown to be sensitive to available velocity information when judging the trajectory of an object moving along a straight path in a 3D scene. Our current research examines the degree to which the projected velocity function and the projected size change function can be used to judge the curvature of the motion path of an object moving towards the observer. The displays simulate a ball moving towards the observer above the ground against a realistic scene background. The simulated motion path is either curved upward or downward relative to a level path, with one of two curvature magnitudes in each direction.The projected path is identical in all conditions.In one condition, the curvature of the simulated path is indicated by both the projected size change function and the projected velocity function. In a second condition, the curvature is indicated only by the size change function, with the velocity function corresponding to a level path.In the third condition, the velocity function indicates the curvature, with the size change function indicating a level path.Observers are able to judge the direction of curvature (upward or downward) from the velocity change function alone, but not from the size change function alone.This indicates that variations in projected velocity indicating path curvature are more important than variations in projected size in determining perceived curvature in a 3D scene. (Gillespie, Braunstein & Andersen, 2008 Vision Sciences Society Meeting)


Research supported by NIH grant EY18334 to George J. Andersen, University of California, Riverside







