Recent publications


Feria, C. S., Braunstein, M. L., & Andersen, G. J.  (2003).  Judging distance across texture discontinuities.  Perception, 32, 1423 – 1440.

Zhong, H., & Braunstein, M. L.  (2004).  Effect of background motion on the perceived shape of a 3D object.  Vision Research, 44, 2505-2513.

Ni, R., Braunstein, M. L., & Andersen, G. J.  (2004).  Perception of scene layout from optical contact, shadows and motion.  Perception, 33, 1305-1318.

Bian, Z., Braunstein, M. L., & Andersen, G. J.  (2005).  The ground dominance effect in the perception of 3-D layout.  Perception & Psychophysics, 67, 802-815.

Ni, R., Braunstein, M. L., & Andersen, G. J.  (2005).  Distance perception from motion parallax and ground contact.  Visual Cognition, 12, 1235-1254.

Bian, Z., Braunstein, M. L., & Andersen, G. J.  (2006).  The ground dominance effect in the perception of relative distance in 3-D scenes is mainly due to characteristics of the ground surface.  Perception & Psychophysics, 68, 1297-1309.

Bocheva, N., & Braunstein, M. L.  (2006).  Effects of surface markings on judgments of motion direction.  Perception, 35, 723-748.

Ni, R., Braunstein, M. L., & Andersen, G. J. (2007). Scene layout from ground contact, occlusion, and motion parallax.  Visual Cognition, 15, 46-68.

Ozkan, K., & Braunstein, M. L.(in press).Background surface and horizon effects in the perception of relative size and distance. Visual Cognition.

Ozkan, K., & Braunstein, M. L.(in press).Predominance of ground over ceiling surfaces in binocular rivalry.Attention, Perception & Psychophysics.

VSS 2008 Posters: Gillespie, Braunstein & Andersen, Ozkan & Braunstein







