Principal Investigator & Director

Lisa S. Pearl

Research Specialists & Postdoctoral Researchers

Graduate Researchers

Niels Dickson
Interests: language acquisition, cognitive constraints on efficient communication, lossy knowledge representation, computational modeling
  • NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research 2025: ``How Cognitive Limitations and Input Variation Affect the Acquisition of Wh-Dependencies''.
  • Advancement 2024: "The computations underlying language acquisition: A case study of syntactic islands"
  • Concentration exam 2022: "The computations underlying the acquisition of syntactic categories"

Junior Research Specialists

Undergraduate Researchers


Friends and Collaborators

Greg Scontras
UC Irvine, MeaningLab [website]
Jon Sprouse
UConn, SynLab [website]
Richard Futrell
UC Irvine, Language Processing Group [website]
Mark Steyvers
UC Irvine, MaDLab [website]
Sameer Singh
UC Irvine, Computer Science [website]
Sharon Goldwater
University of Edinburgh, Informatics [website]
Joachim Vandekerckhove
UC Irvine, Cognition and Individual Differences Lab [website]
Michael Lee
UC Irvine, MaDLab [website]
Jeff Lidz
UMaryland, Acquisition Lab [website]
Ivano Caponigro
UC San Diego, Linguistics [website]
Dave Barner
UC San Diego, LaDLab [website]
Amy Weinberg
UMaryland, CLIP Lab & CASL [website]
Charles Yang
UPenn, Linguistics & Computer Science [website]

CoLa Lab Alumni

Sue Braunwald
Sue Braunwald is a developmental psychologist (Ph.D., UCLA, 1980). She joined the lab in order to participate in an interdisciplinary dialogue about the process of language development. Sue began her career as a parent-diarist and recently contributed a chat version of the diary, The Braunwald-Max Planck corpus to CHILDES. The CHILDES version lacks the detailed information in the original handwritten diary that she is using as a database for her current research in collaboration with Lisa on the productivity of early verbs.

Hannah Forsythe
After CoLaLab: Data Analayst with the Epidemiology Department of the State of Michigan, in conjunction with a local non-profit Michigan Public Health Institute
Interests: experimental and theoretical approaches to language acquisition, acquisition of pronouns and agreement, gradable semantics, Spanish, Vietnamese

Emma Nguyen

After CoLaLab: Lecturer (equivalent to US tenured position) of Child Language Acquisition at Newcastle University

Interests: language acquisition, computational modeling, neurolinguistics
  • NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2021: "Using quantitative methods to understand the impact of input on development"
  • Dissertation 2021: "The predictive power of lexical semantic features on the acquisition of passive voice in young children" (pdf)
Fabio Paolizzo
Working with both the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Electronic Engineering) and UC Irvine (Cognitive Sciences & Dance), Fabio runs the Musical-Moods project.

Noa Attali
After CoLaLab: Research and program development analyst at UC Irvine.

Interests: spoken language production and processing, first and second language learning, ambiguity resolution, connections between intonation and meaning
  • Dissertation 2024: "Disambiguating Information in Speech and Context"
  • Advancement 2023: "Disambiguating Information in Speech and Context"
  • NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research 2023: ``Disambiguating Information in Speech and Context''.
  • Concentration exam 2021: "Interpretations of Quantifier-Negation Ambiguity"
Galia Bar-Sever

After CoLaLab: Teaching Professor at Irvine Valley College + Insight Data Science Fellow; Visiting Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Pomona College

Interests: quantitative approaches to language development, syntactic categorization, adjective ordering, ASL, clinical populations
  • Dissertation, 2019: "A Quantitative Framework for Specifying Underlying Representations in Child Language Acquisition" (pdf)
  • Associate Dean Fellowship recipient Fall 2018
  • Dissertation advancement proposal, 2018: "Language Development in Underrepresented Populations: Applying Quantitative Methods to Corpus Data"
  • Pedagogical Fellowship 2017 recipient
  • SURP 2013 Fellowship Recipient: "A Comparison of Signed and Spoken Language: A Look at Grammatical Categorization": presentation, May 2014
  • UROP 2012 Fellowship Recipient: "Understanding the "Less is More" Effect in Language Development: A Look at Word Segmentation": presentation
Alandi Bates
After CoLaLab: Using her technical communication skills to teach and manage human resources.
Interests: acquisition of syntax and syntactic categories, acquisition of pragmatics, computational modeling
  • Concentration exam 2019: "Pronoun resolution, socioeconomic status, and the impact of input disparities on linguistic developmental outcomes in children".
  • SURP 2016 Fellowship Recipient: "Learning Abstract Linguistic Categories: Formally Measuring Knowledge of "Verb" in a Young Child's Speech"
Lawrence Phillips

After CoLaLab: A post-doctoral position at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Interests when a graduate student: language acquisition, computational modeling, phonology, speech perception
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention 2011
  • Associate Dean's Fellowship Recipient Fall 2012
  • Department Block Summer Research Award Recipient Summer 2013
  • Department Block Summer Research Award Recipient Summer 2014
  • Jean-Claude Falmagne Research Award Recipient Summer 2014
  • Dissertation Advancement Proposal (2013): "Incorporating Cognitive Realism into Models of Early Language Acquisition"
  • Dissertation (2015): "The Role of Empirical Evidence in Modeling Speech Segmentation"
Zachary Rosen

After CoLaLab: Analytic Linguist for Amazon.

Interests: non-literal language understanding, metaphor, non-symbolic modeling
  • Concentration exam 2021: "Extending Cognitive Models of Metaphor Inference: Integrating Generalizability and Discursive Context Effects"
K.J. Savinelli

Interests: language acquisition, computational modeling, semantics
  • Dissertation advancement proposal, 2018: "The Development of Pragmatic Competence"
  • Associate Dean Fellowship 2018 Recipient
Junior Research Specialists
Megan Aikawa
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Zephyr Detrano
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of metrical phonology
Anousheh Haghighi
CoLa Lab Interests: linguistic cues to authorship
Chloe Haviland
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of grammatical categories, acquisition of verbs
Tim Ho
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of metrical phonology
Kristine Lu
CoLa Lab Interests: linguistic cues to authorship, linguistic cues to mental states
  • Review of the state of the art in affect computing (as of November 2013): presentation
BreAnna Silva
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Arabella Watkins
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of non-literal language, impacts of socioeconomic status
Emily Yang
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Frank Zarrinkelk
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of non-literal language, quantitative approaches to language acquisition

Shawn Abrahamson
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of signed languages
Lyna Armendariz
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax, social dimensions of language

After CoLaLab: Health educator at AmeriCorp
Joshua Bancroft
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax

Ariana Barcenas
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition in clinical populations
Athenia Barouni
CoLa Lab Interests: linguistic cues to mental states
  • Review of the state of the art in politeness computing (as of November 2013): presentation

Kristen Byer
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Gabrielle Castro
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Noel Covarrubias
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Daniel De Vera
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax, social dimensions of language
Igii Enverga
CoLa Lab Interests: linguistic cues to message tone
  • UROP Researcher of the Month, May 2014
  • SURP 2013 Fellowship Recipient: "Automatic Message Tone Detection Using Improved Linguistic and Machine Learning Methods"
    presentation, Oct 2013 (pdf)
Meredith Fay
CoLa Lab Interests: linguistic cues to deception detection
  • Honors project 2009:
    "Linguistic Cues for Deception Detection in Online Mafia Forums" (pdf)

After CoLaLab: Off to join the Foreign Service

Jon Fero
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax

Alec Finnell
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax

After CoLaLab: Studying abroad at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany.

Levon Gevorgyan
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Brennan Gonering
CoLa Lab Interests: linguistic cues to gender identity
After CoLaLab: Doctoral program at UC Davis Linguistics
  • SURP 2016 Fellowship Recipient: "Automatic Detection of Gender Identity in Blog Texts using Stylometric Features"
Julia Hershey
CoLa Lab Interests: automatic evaluation of translations
Doreen Hii
CoLa Lab Interests: sentiment analysis
  • Honors Thesis 2019: "Using Meaning Specificity to Aid Negation Handling in Sentiment Analysis" (pdf)
  • UROP 2018 Honorary Fellowship Recipient: "Strategies for Handling Negation in Text-Based Sentiment Analysis"
Sarah Hunt
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Tricia Ignacio
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of verbs
Alejandro Ibarra
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of verbs
Natashka Jinadasa
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Zeinab Kachakeche
CoLa Lab Interests: quantitative approaches to language acquisition

After CoLaLab: Joining the UCI Language Science PhD program.

Mackenzie Kephart
CoLa Lab Interests: differences in metaphor comprehension in autistic and non-autistic individuals
  • Partnerships in International Research and Education award recipient 2020.
  • Honors Thesis 2021: ``Research Unlocks Doors: Bayesian Cognitive Modeling of Metaphor Comprehension in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder''. Winner of Social Sciences Outstanding Honors Thesis 2021. (pdf)
Katie Khuu
CoLa Lab Interests: computational models of acquisition

After CoLaLab: A permanent position at Expedia

  • UROP 2015 Fellowship Recipient: "Adding Naturally Derived Utterance Types to a Model of Syntactic Category Acquisition", presentation May 2015 (pdf)
  • UROP Researcher of the Month, May 2015
  • Winner of the EAP Undergraduate Research Award 2015
  • UROP 2016 Fellowship Recipient: "Evaluating Language Learning Strategies by how Useful they are to Children"

Sarah Lazbin
CoLa Lab Interests: linguistic cues to identity, authorship deception
  • Honors Thesis 2018: "The Impact of Message Length and Medium on Imitation Attack Creation and Detection by Humans" (pdf)
    Winner of best Cognitive Science & Psychology honors thesis 2018
  • SURP & UROP 2017 Fellowship Recipient: "The Impact of Text Length and Medium on Imitation Attack Detection by Humans and Machines"
Janice Lee
CoLa Lab Interests: word segmentation in Korean, social dimensions of language
Jessica Lee
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Joanna Lee
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of metrical phonology, acquisition of syntactic islands, cross-linguistic word segmentation
Mona Lee
CoLa Lab Interests: linguistic cues to deception
Rachael Lee
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of pragmatics
  • Honors Thesis 2018: "How adjective ordering preferences develop in children" ( pdf)
  • SURP 2017 Fellowship Recipient: "How Adjective Ordering Preferences Develop in Children"
John Lu
After CoLaLab: A software engineering position at Amazon
CoLa Lab Interests: quantitative approaches to category learning
Tiffany Ng
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax, cross-linguistic word segmentation

After CoLaLab: Masters program in Communicative Disorders at CSU Fullerton

Amanda Nili
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax

After CoLaLab: Doctoral program in Clinical Psychology at Northwestern

  • UROP Researcher of the Month, May 2014
  • UROP 2014 Fellowship Recipient: "The Relationship between Acceptability and Frequency of Syntactic Structures in Child-Directed Speech": presentation, May 2014
  • Frequency of what: How simple is the story of syntax acquisition? (honors thesis: pdf) (UROP journal: pdf)
Uma Patel
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax, social dimensions of language

After CoLaLab: Off to medical school
Spencer Perry
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Sarah Pieper
CoLa Lab Interests: word segmentation in Japanese
  • Honors project 2012:
    "Japanese word segmentation using Bayesian inference" (pdf)
Alissa Powers
CoLa Lab Interests: automatic detection of moods in musical lyrics, crowd-sourcing annotation

After CoLaLab: A permanent position helping program UCI's very own educational environment.

Chen Qin
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of signed languages
Margarita Rodriguez
CoLa Lab Interests: morphosyntactic acquisition + theory of mind

After CoLaLab: Headed to graduate school at UCI's master's in teaching program.

Charles Rodriguez-De Vera
CoLa Lab Interests: computational sociolinguistics of identity and imitation attack detection
Amy Rothermund
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax

After CoLaLab: Off to a job using her writing and organizational skills

Trinity Sanders
CoLa Lab Interests: automatic detection of mood in text
Lucas Lo Ami Alvino Silva
CoLa Lab Interests: linguistic cues to sentiment
  • presentation on sentiment analysis, May 2014 (pdf)
Ashkan Shadi
CoLa Lab Interests: word segmentation, acquisition of verbs, automatic deception detection
Nazanin Sheikhan
CoLa Lab Interests: word segmentation, acquisition of syntax
Morgan Sheldon
CoLa Lab Interests: syntactic acquisition
Nayeem Siddique
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Sunny Singh
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of non-literal language, quantitative approaches to language acquisition

After CoLa Lab: Masters Program in Computational Linguistics at the University of Washington

Courtney Smith
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax

After CoLa Lab: Pursuing a Masters degree

Shannon Stanton
CoLa Lab Interests: human-based computation of language, acquisition of syntax
  • UROP 2011 Fellowship recipient
  • UROP 2011 presentation: pdf
  • Honors project 2011:
    "WordSleuth: Deducing Social Connotations from Syntactic Cues" (pdf)
Brian Toms
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax

Galina Tucker
CoLa Lab Interests: human-based computation of language, acquisition of syntax
  • Honors Thesis presentation: pdf
  • Honors project 2011:
    "How to Get People to Want to Give You Data: Making WordSleuth Fun" (pdf)

After CoLaLab: System Project Engineer at Thales

Jasmine Uitz
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of semantics and pragmatics
After CoLaLab: Post-baccalaureate program in Communicative Disorders at CS Fullerton
Ellen Uyeda
CoLa Lab Interests: signed languages, natural language processing
  • SURP 2018 Fellowship Recipient: "Creating a Machine Readable Dataset of Sign Language Annotation"
Karen Villegas
CoLa Lab Interests: word segmentation, linguistic cues to social information

Nikolai Vogler
CoLa Lab Interests: automatic deception detection & opinion spam

After CoLa Lab: Headed to graduate school at Carnegie Mellon's Language Technology Institute

  • Honors thesis 2017: "Automatic detection of deceptive opinions using automatically identified specific details"
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship winner in 2017, for his project "Eliminating Human Bias and Reducing False Convictions with Automatic Multimodal Deception Detection in Real-Time"
  • Member of research team working on "Remote Monitoring of Neurodegeneration through Speech" at the Center for Language and Speech Processing at JHU, 2016
  • SURP 2016 Fellowship Recipient: "Automatic Detection of Deceptive Opinions using Automatically Identified Specific Details"
Caroline Wagenaar
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax, word segmentation, social information in language

After CoLaLab: Teaching English in Hamburg, Germany

Erika Webb
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax
Cort Werner
CoLa Lab Interests: acquisition of syntax, word segmentation

After CoLaLab: Masters Program in Computer Science at the University of Southern California

Jim White
CoLa Lab Interests: cognitive models of word segmentation, syntactic tree generation

After CoLaLab: Masters program in Computational Linguistics at the University of Washington

Alicia Yu
CoLa Lab Interests: cross-linguistic word segmentation
  • Honors project 2014: "Establishing cross-linguistic validity for unsupervised word segmentation models: A look at Italian and Farsi"
Alan Yuen
CoLa Lab Interests: sentiment analysis, information theoretic approaches to language

Joseph Lou
After CoLaLab: Princeton University
CoLa Lab Interests: quantitative approaches to syntactic category development
Rachel Obstfeld
CoLa Lab Interests: sign language acquisition
Sebastian Reyes
CoLa Lab Interests: cross-linguistic word segmentation