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David Mghanga Mwakima

Department of Philosophy
University of Colorado, Boulder

Welcome. I received my Ph.D. from the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science at UC, Irvine and my A.B. in Philosophy from Harvard, with a secondary field in Mathematical Sciences. My research examines the conceptual foundations of statistics. In my work I draw connections to traditional philosophical questions on the nature of probability and scientific evidence; and to contemporary work in the philosophy of science on values and objectivity in science, the social epistemology of science and ethical issues in the analysis of data. In addition, I maintain strong interests in the history of philosophy of science, which permeates my work.


I accepted an appointment to the position of Lecturer at CU, Boulder for the Spring Semester 2025. My teaching assignments will be: Introduction to Philosophy, Critical Thinking and History of Science from Newton to Einstein. In this history of science class, we shall track the development of the kinetic theory of gases from Boyle and Newton, its application to the chemical atomic theory and thermodynamics in the 18th and 19th centuries, culminating in Einstein’s quantum theory of specific heat capacity.