laboratory studies several aspects of adult human
memory, including the retrieval from short-term memory, and the
phenomena of implicit (unconscious) and explicit
(conscious) memory. Behavioral techniques focus on speed
and accuracy of recognition and retrieval.
project was supported by the National Science
2003 Dosher,
B. Working memory. Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Vol.
4. ,p. 569-577. [9 pp]
2003 Dosher,
B., & McElree, B. Memory search. For Squire, L. R. &
Wachsberger, K. (Eds.)
Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory, NY: MacMillan.
[5 pp]
McBride, D. M., & Dosher, B. Conceptual and automatic
processing of implicit memory for
and words. Consciousness and Cognition: An International
Journal, 11, 423-460.
[38 pp]
2001 McBride, D. M., Dosher, B., & Gage, N. A comparison of
forgetting for conscious and
automatic memory processes in word fragment completion
tasks. Journal of Memory and
Language, 45, 585-615. [30 pp]
2001 McElree, B. M. & Dosher, B. The focus of attention in space
and time.
Behavior and Brain
2001 Munnich, E., Landau, B. & Dosher, B. Spatial language and
visual memory for location.
Cognition, 81, 171-207. [37 pp] [
McBride, D., & Dosher, B. Forgetting rates are comparable in
conscious and automatic
memory: A process-dissociation
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
Memory, & Cognition, 25,508-607. [25 pp]
1999 Dosher, B. Forgetting due to items and time during output
from short term memory.
International Journal of
Psychology (Special Issue on Working Memory), 34,
(Reprinted in I. Neath, G.D.A. Brown, M. Poirer,
C. Fortin (Eds.)
Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Co.) [10 pp]
1998 McBride, D. M., & Dosher, B. A comparison of forgetting in
implicit and explicit memory
Journal of
Experimental Psychology: General, 126, 371-392. [22 pp]
1998 Dosher,
B., & Ma, J.-J. Output loss or rehearsal loop? Output time
vs pronunciation time
limits in immediate recall in
forgetting-matched materials.
Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 24, 316-335.
[20 pp]
1998 Dosher, B., & Sperling, G. A century of human information
processing theory: Vision,
attention, memory. In Hochberg,
J. (Ed.) Perception and Cognition at Century's End:
Handbook of Perception and Cognition .p. 199-252. [54
pp] [
1997 Dosher, B., & Rosedale, G. Configural processes in multi-cue
priming of recognition.
Cognitive Psychology, 33,
209-267. [57 pp]
1993 McElree, B., & Dosher, B. Serial comparison processes in
judgments of order. Journal of
Experimental Psychology:
General, 122, 291-315. [25 pp] [
1992 Dosher, B. A., & McElree, B. Memory search: Retrieval
processes in short-termand long-
term recognition. For
Squire, L. R., et. al (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Learning and
MacMillan. (pp. 398-406) [9 pp]
1991 Dosher, B.A., & Rosedale, G. Judgments of semantic and
episodic relatedness: Common
time-course and failure of
segregation. Journal of Memory and Language, 30,
1991 Dosher, B. A. Bias and discrimination in cuing of memory: A
weighted decisions model. In
Hockley, W. & Lewandowsky, S.
(Eds.) Relating theory and data in memory, NJ:
pp. 14-1 - 14-30. [30 pp]
1989 Dosher, B.A., McElree, B., Hood, R.M., & Rosedale, G.
Retrieval dynamics of priming
in recognition memory: Bias
or discrimination effect.
Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 15,
868-886. [19 pp] [
1989 Dosher, B.A., & Rosedale, G. Integrated retrieval cues as a
mechanism for priming.
of Experimental
Psychology: General, 118, 191-218. [28 pp]
1989 McElree, B.M., & Dosher, B.A. Serial position and set size
in short term memory:
course of recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 118
373. [28 pp]
1984 Dosher, B.A. Discriminating preexperimental (semantic) from
experimental (episodic)
associations: A speed accuracy
analysis. Cognitive Psychology, 16, 519-555. [37 pp]
1984 Dosher, B.A. Degree of learning and retrieval speed: Study
time and multiple
Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition,
541-574. [34 pp]
1983 Dosher, B.A. Relational information in sentence memory .Journal of Psycholinguistic
Research, 12, 377-396. [20
1982 Dosher, B.A. Effect of sentence size and network distance
on retrieval speed.
Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition,
8, 173-207.
[35 pp]
1982 Dosher, B.A. Of activation nets and consciousness.
Contemporary Psychology, 27,
531-532. [2 pp]
1982 Dosher,
B.A. & Corbett, A.T. Instrument activation and verb
schemata. Memory and
Cognition, 10, 531-539. [9 pp]
1981 Dosher,
B.A. The effects of delay and interference on retrieval
dynamics: Implications
for retrieval models.
Cognitive Psychology, 13, 551-582.
[32 pp]
1980 Wickelgren, W.A., Corbett, A.T. & Dosher, B.A. Priming and
retrieval from short-term
memory: A speed-accuracy tradeoff analysis. Journal of
Verbal Learning and Verbal
Behavior, 19, 387-404. [18 pp]
1978 Corbett, A.T. & Dosher, B.A. Instrument inferences in
sentence encoding. Journal of
Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 17, 479-491.
[13 pp]
1976 Dosher,
B.A. The retrieval of sentences from memory: A
speed-accuracy study.
Psychology, 8, 291-310. [20 pp]