UC Irvine sociologists ask questions like:
How are public policies determined?
What will an increasingly older population mean
for our economy and
way of life?
What roles do racial preferences play in
How many undocumented immigrants live in the
United States and what
does this mean for policymakers?
Their findings go
beyond conventional
explanations to detail how
conflict, cooperation and
diversity impact our world.
Innovative research explores how employment and incarceration status can change racial perceptions,
how social networks affect gang violence and emergency response to hurricane Katrina, and how social movements can impact democracies.
Faculty play leading roles in the Center for Immigration, Population & Public Policy; Center for the Study
of Democracy; Center for Organizational Research; Center in Law, Society & Culture; Center for Global Peace
& Conflict Studies; and Center for Demographic and Social Analysis.
More than 80 graduate students study alongside the department's 28 distinguished faculty in areas of culture;
economy, organizations and labor; education; gender and family; global inequality and change; immigration;
political sociology and social movements; population; race and ethnicity; and social networks.
UCI sociological research findings impact international population policy, the design and implementation of
the U.S. Census, and the development of more effective communication plans for times of crisis. These findings
are consistently published in the top sociological journals, one of which - International Journal of Comparative
Sociology - is currently hosted at UCI under the editorship of professor David Smith, while associate professor
Nina Bandelj serves as coeditor of the Socio-Economic Review.
Check us out online or call to schedule a visit. Applications for fall 2015 are currently being accepted.
pictured: (top) Catherine Bolzendahl, sociology associate professor,
studies how Americans define family. (right) Cynthia Feliciano, sociology professor, studies how popular cultural portrayals may influence Internet daters' racial preferences.