Jimmy Carter

All Questions Submitted for Former President Carter

The situation in israel is a clear example of failure of the international community to protect human rights and enforce un resolutions or at the very least, limit the attrocities committed by the israeli government, how would you explain this global failure?
Mr. Carter, Given chinas unprecedented rise both as an economic and military power, coupled with the instability of the korean peninsula, would it be reasonable to consider asia a much more potentially unstable region that the middle east?
Martin luther king, one of the fathers of non-violence, once said in reference to a quote by pres. J f kenndey that, "when peaceful revolution is made impossible, violent revolution is inevitable". Does this quote have any relelvance at all in helping us understand the violence we see being committed by palestinians on israelis? In the early years of founding of israel, did the palestinian cause fall on deaf ears?
The reliance upon foreign oil, along with its effect on our economy and relations with other nations, appears to be the weakest link in our complex ability to remain a benevolent hegemon. What do you see in the future as potential rewards for decreasing our reliance upon middle-eastern - both for us and for our trading partners?
It seems an eternity ago that ralphe bunche won the nobel prize for peace while negotiating the israeli-arab war. What is your opinion of the present role of the united nations in the middle east and the effectiveness of the united nations to enforce resolutions?
How do you feel about the speech you gave regarding americas "crisis of confidence" nearly 30 years ago? Do you think this crisis is still applicable to american society today?
What is americas interest in the middle east, israel, and palestine, and why do you feel they are associated with so much conflict?
Regarding the united states current dependence on foreign oil , do you feel it necessary to dig for more oil at home, such as the reserves in alaska?
The iran we are dealing with today is one that seems to be no different from the iran that took part in the hostage crisis. According to some scholars, the reason for such tense relations is because of the negative views iranians have of american foreign policy. Yet, iranians today embrace all that is american culture, from pop culture to literature. How can we reconcile the actions of the us government with the attitude of the american public? Similarly, in what ways can the ahmedinijad regime be reconciled with the american sentiments shared by most iranians? Will the future of iran-american relations rely on perceptions just as much as
President carter, With your prior experience as president of the united states, if placed in the shoes of current president george w. Bush, how do you think you would have handled the current war being fought in the middle east? Would you have gone about it in alternative ways and if so,
Mr. President, Do you think israel has the power to affect us policies, even though it might be against its own benefits? Thank you
Should palestinians have the right to retrieve thier homeland back from the jews or should the jews remain at palestine? How should the crisis be solved? Are you interested in the islamic religion?
Mr. President, Do you believe israel was right in attacking hezbollah when they kidnapped israeli soldiers in known israeli territory?
If you could go back in time, what would you do different about the revolution in iran? In your opinion, whats the impact of the current iran government in the middle east?
What about the armenian genocide?
Given the major and essential roles that nearby countries play in the palestine-israel dynamic, in the quest for peace in palestine what role must saudi arabia, led by king abdullah, play in order for peace to be accomplished? Particulary because it seems as though saudi arabia will be key in any type of broad acceptance of isreal by its islam
Mr president,Given the fact that you are one of the only people in the world who could and did mediate a peace between israel and palestine, what do you think is the root of tension between countries in that region (specifically iran)and what would be the best solution?
Many palestinians argue that they have an inherent right of return to land which they or their ancestors had owned or resided in previous to the establishment of the state of israel. They question the legality of israeli control over these lands, and point out the necessity of these lands for their proper livelihood.What is your stance in this situation and which group of people do you believe own the land of
You stated at the university of iowa in april 2007, "the main reason i came to iowa is to make sure you knew you could shape an outcome in the 2008 presidential election." as long as american politicians are seen as knee-jerk supporters of israel, the countrys role as the principal mideast peace broker will be endangered." America has always been a strong supporter of israel and at times condemd actions by israel. Can you please explain this statement. It rings as an anti-israel statement.
If you became president tomorrow, what would you do to resolve the problem that we currently have in iraq?
What do you think is the biggest impediment to peace between israel and palestine?
When you were president, you successfully presided over the camp david talks between israel and egypt. What do you think was the most important factor in getting these two countries to make peace?
Do you think israel and the united states should recognize and negotiate with the hamas led palestinian government, in light of the fact that recently countries like russia have been able to do so?
In retrospect, do you think there was a better plan of action other than calling for the shah of iran to step down to be replaced by the ayatollah khomeini, looking at the iran embassy hostage crisis and the sequence of events leading to the presidency of mahmoud ahmadinejad, a source of tension in the middle east, and hate against israel?
If israel is under the us security umbrella, what do they continue to gain by maintaining an opaque nuclear arsenal? Would not israels security increase if it were to sign the npt and the side agreements, and then move like south africa towards eliminating their nuclear arsenal?
Why did you let the ayatollah khomeini return to iran and islamize it instead of comntinuing support of the shah and influence him to democraize his regime?
As a resolution to the civil war in iraq, senator biden has proposed dividing the country into 3 separate regions. Considering the distribution of the people, as well as the oil, do you think that this is a stable solution?
As a former president of the united states, how are you using your influence to stimulate change with regards to the global warming crisis?
How do we engender peace when our government sells arms to foreign countries?
Last week, the u.S. Congress passed a bill that would begin withdrawing u.S. Troops from iraq by october 1st of this year . President bush vows to veto this bill, saying that leaving iraq now would be a dangerous mistake. Given this ongoing debate, what would your solution be to the increasingly difficult situation in iraq?
Your book charges that israel alone is responsible for the continuing conflict, and that palestinians and other arab states bear no responsibility. How can you be an "honest broker" when you clearly take only the arab point of view and dismiss israels legitimate concerns such as hate indoctrination of palestinian children, the hamas, hezbollah and plo charters calling for the "obliteration" of israel, the arms build-ups in gaza, and the menacing threats from
Mr. Carter, could you please explain reports that you chose to keep a monetary reward in the name of shiekh zayed bin sultan al nahayan, even after harvard returned money from the same source because of its anti-semitic history?
Mr. Carter, the muslim student union on this campus has invited speakers again and again who in their speeches on this campus unequivocally support, cheer on, and even call for violent indiscriminate attacks against jewish civilians - men, women, children, and the elderly - who are targeted simply because they are jewish. Events have been held by the muslim student union to memorialize the founders of a group which includes in its covenant references from the anti-semitic forgery the protocols of the elders of zion, as well as selected quotes from islamic scripture against jews, including one which talks about trees and rocks calling out to muslims to kill jews - a quotation most recently repeated by that same groups spokesperson not three weeks ago on pa tv . Mr. Carter, the same uc irvine muslim student union has used quotations that have proven to be completely falsified year after year after year as rallying points for events - including their annual week-long anti-israel week - most recently titled "holocaust in the holy land" - all in an attempt to incite hatred not only against jews in israel, but also the jewish students, faculty, and staff at this university. Please note that the knowing use of falsified information both inside the classroom as well as outside the classroom is grounds for discipline and even dismissal from uc irvine under campus rules and regulations. In 2004, an anti-hate rally was held on campus where all student organizations were invited to participate, except jewish organizations, which were explicitly dis-invited. The dis-inivited organizations included the non-political - non-religious jewish fraternity and jewish sorority. The vice chancellor for student affairs - with full knowledge of the explicit dis-invite - still chose to speak at the anti-hate rally and has yet to apologize publicly for it. This past january, a video was published of uc irvine muslim student union members calling for israel to be wiped off the map, and the leader of the group stating his wish that he could use more than words, that he wanted to use violence against jewish students, faculty, and staff. These calls were answered with shouts of "allu akbar" which in english is "god is great". Even after repeated requests year after year after year to the university administration to have the perpetrators of these acts of intimidation, bigotry, and calls to violence to be prosecuted, to our knowledge not one prosecution has happened. So far, the university administrations only public moves have been to hold inter-religious events, which on another campus would have probably solved the problem, but the case of our university, it has only encouraged the muslim student union and its partners to intensify its attacks on jewish students, faculty , and staff. Mr. Carter, because of these muslim student union events and actions, as well as other incidents on campus, this university has been under investigation by the us department of educations office for civil rights for not appropriately protecting jewish students, faculty, and staff against this anti-jewish hatred. Mr. Carter, what should jewish students, faculty, and staff be doing in response to
Mr. Carter, the muslim student union continues to issue statements and bring in speakers which use language that it characterizes as anti-zionist and are just critiques of israeli policy. This same language has been characterized by jewish students, faculty, and staff, as well as the us commission on civil rights, as anti-semitic. Could you please give some examples of language that would go beyond being merely a civil criticism of israeli policy and zionism, and would cross over the line into anti-semitism?
Your book does not criticize any palestinian authority policiesAnd positions. What have been their greatest mistakes and what haveYou advised them to do differently to achieve peace with israel? HaveYou encouraged hamas to change its charter and to begin teaching peaceIn the school systems? If not, why not?
Why do you think yasser arafat rejected the clinton parametersAnd israels offer that would have given the palestinians a 97%Contiguous area of the west bank and all of gaza, a capital in easternJerusalem dismantling of jewish communities, and billions in aid toResettle palestinian refugees---or do you believe clinton and dennisRoss lied
Isnt it irresponsible for a former president to conduct his ownForeign policy without official authorization and when it conflictsWith the current administrations policies? What would the impact beOn us foreign policy if other former presidents also pursued their own foreign policy agendas?
Given the wars and terrorism against israel before 1967 andTodays radical islamists like hamas, hezbollah, iran and others whoReject the right of any jewish state to exist in the region, whatEvidence do you have that there would be peace if israel withdrew toThe pre-1967 borders (p. 242)? How would such a withdrawal affectIsraels ability to defend itself, since israel is only nine milesWide in certain areas?
What types of policies do you think the us can implement to increase diplomacy and decrease conflict between israel and the surrounding arab nations?
What was your moment of inspiration to highlight the inequities in the israel-palestine relationship and therefore leading you to write this book "palestine- peace not
What do you think is the worlds view in particular that of isreal, palestine and the rest of the middle east of the united states and its people today? Do you think think its better or worse than when you were president?
You wrote that palestinians must "make it clear that they will end the suicide bombings and "terrorism when international laws and the ultimate goals of the roadmap for peace are accepted by israel." in essence, you are saying that violence--suicide bombing and terrorist murders of innocent civilians--is acceptable until israel accedes to all palestinian demands. Yet the first step of the road map was forPalestinians to end terrorism and dismantle terrorist groups. Are weTo understand that you disagree with the road map and, more generally, believe it is acceptable to use violence instead of negotiations to resolve territorial
Is peace in the middle east ever possible?
The term "apartheid" seems problematic in the context of the situation. In what ways is the israeli-palestinian conflict a direct parallel of blacks in apartheid south africa? If arab citizens in israel have full political rights, the ability to openly criticize the government (a democracy), and enjoy full equality before the law, how does this conflict reflect an apartheid?
Why has israel been such a target of massive acts of random violence? What is the importance of the existence of israel and why is the united states government so concerned with protecting it?
In your opinion can there be a sequal to the original camp david accords? Let the actors in the sequal be those of iran ,the us,and a neutral mediator. If yes, who do you beleve (out of the current presidential candidates) would be best for the challenge and why? If no, would you please elaborate on why not?
If the conflict between israel and palestine is resolved in any way other than completely demolishing israel and the jewish people, would this lead to terroist attacks or other forms of middle east violence against israel or even here on american soil?
You have expressed concerns about pro-israel supporters inAmerica. Are you equally concerned about saudi arabias influenceThrough aramco, petrodollar investments and funding for example,Former government officials and university programs? If not, whyNot?
Given the wars and terrorism against israel before 1967 andTodays radical islamists like hamas, hezbollah, iran and others who reject the right of any jewish state to exist in the region, whatEvidence do you have that there would be peace if israel withdrew to the pre-1967 borders (p. 242)? How would such a withdrawal affectIsraels ability to defend itself, since israel is only nine milesWide in certain areas?
Mr. Carter, the muslim student union continues to issue statements and bring in speakers which use language that it characterizes as anti-zionist and are just critiques of israeli policy. This same language has been characterized by jewish students, faculty, and staff, as well as the us commission on civil rights, as anti-semitic.Could youplease give some examples of language that would go beyond being merely a civil criticism of israeli policy and zionism, and would cross over the line into anti-semitism?
It seems that the conflict between israel and palestine will be never ending"because after many, many years both sides have never come to an agreement. How do you think your involvement has influenced or changed the way israelis and palestinians feel toward each other?
Mr. Carter, could you please explain reports that you chose to keep a monetary reward in the name of shiekh zayed bin sultan al nahayan, even after harvard returned money from the same source because of its anti-semitic history?
Your book consistently denies palestinian radicalism, fromUncritically citing yasser arafats claim that the plo "neverAdvocated the annihilation of israel" (p. 62) when the plo charter states its goal is to "destroy the zionist imperialist presence" to claiming that hamas accepted israels right to exist in the june 2006 "prisoners proposal" when hamas leader sami abu zuhri stressed to the jerusalem post that hamas signed "without having to recognize israel"the agreement also allows us to pursue the resistance against israel." what were your motives for misrepresenting these
Given the wars and terrorism against israel before 1967 andTodays radical islamists like hamas, hezbollah, iran and others who reject the right of any jewish state to exist in the region, whatEvidence do you have that there would be peace if israel withdrew to the pre-1967 borders (p. 242)? How would such a withdrawal affectIsraels ability to defend itself, since israel is only nine milesWide in certain areas?
Several diplomats involved in palestinian-israeli negotiations,Such as dennis ross, and many scholars you have worked with, such as kenneth stein, have pointed to serious factual mistakes in your book. Have you examined their criticisms to correct the errors? If not, why not?
The living condition for the palestinian people is simply wrong and some of the palestinian children have even lost their will to live. Why are the israelis doing this? And why is the us helping them?
How come the us is so interested in helping israel? It gives 1-3 of its aid to israel. Is israel that important of an ally for the us?
Why dont the american people generally like to talk about the the situation in israeli when most other countries do?
It seems almost as if carter is placing much of the blame [for this conflict] on israel. Why is he so critical of israeli decisions?
It seems almost as if carter is placing much of the blame [for this conflict] on israel. Why is he so critical of israeli decisions when the us is ironically dedicating so much time and effort to aid them?
What type of accord or resolution must be passed to prevent future conflict in israel and palestine?What would you say is a realistic and just solution to the israeli and palestinian problem? Do you feel the current us administration siding with israel in most issues is preventing a peaceful resolution and continuing to promote the "all or nothing" attitude that has plagued the middle east for most of the 20th century? If so, do you feel we should work with both
What is the significance of the shift from a pan-arab identity of the later 20th century to the current pan-islamic movement found within political islam? What challenges does this present the united states given our current situation in iraq with the outburst of sectarian violence and statements by our saudi allies claiming they would assist sunnis should the us withdraw. In the case of a us withdrawl, does the conflict in iraq threaten to destabilize the middle east so significantly that a regional war could break out?
Was hezbollahs attack on israel last summer justified?
Israeli prime minister olmert recently again rejected the arab league initiative citing the "right of return" as a deal breaker. Israelis understandably fear its demographic implications and palestinians refuse to stay isolated. Given the critical importance of this particular question to both sides, how do you see the potential for reconciliation?
Prior to the iran hostage crisis in 1979, your administration granted irans shah entrance into the united states, which some have said led to the eventual fall of our embassy in tehran in the following days. Now that history has unfolded do you look back with regret on that decision or the consequences incurred by it?
Aside from rallying a nation what were the main consequences, positive or negative, that the iranian government incurred during the 1979 hostage crisis at the u.S embassy in tehran; and in your opinion how have those affected the iranians current diplomatic stand-off with the international community
Dear mr. Carter I have known you as a "peacemaker" president .Then, what do you think about n.Koreas problem? Should the world solve it as peacefully or violently?
John edwards stated that "perhaps the greatest short-term threat to world peace is the possibility that israel would bomb irans nuclear facilities". Do you agree?
Martin luther king, one of the fathers of non-violence, once said in reference to aQuote by pres. J f kenndey that, "when peaceful revolution is made impossible,Violent revolution is inevitable". Does this quote have any relelvance at all inHelping us understand the violence we see being committed by palestinians onIsraelis? In the early years of founding of israel, did the palestinian cause fallOn deaf ears?
In your book, you wrote that palestinians must "make it clear that they will end the suicide bombings and "terrorism when international laws and the ultimate goals of the roadmap for peace are accepted by israel." inEssence, you are saying that violence--suicide bombing and terrorist murders of innocent civilians--is acceptable until israel accedes to all palestinian demands. Yet the first step of the road map was for palestinians to end terrorism and dismantle terrorist groups. Are we to understand that you disagree with the road map and, more generally,Believe it is acceptable to use violence instead of negotiations toResolve territorial
President carter, you have received quite a bit of criticism for using the word apartheid in the title of your book. I know you chose this word because of your belief that it best describes the situation the palestinians face of being separated from their disputed land. Did you expect such a frustrated response to your use of the term "apartheid?" in retrospect, would you consider the use of another word that is less divisive but also gets your point across? Maybe palestine- peace not "separation", or peace not "division"?
Do you think the withdrawl from gaza is a step in the right direction?
Dont you think the iranian revolution has played a substancial role in todays israeli-palestinian conflict, as well as united states relations with the middle east? Why dont you include that in your book?
Why dont you include the 1967 khartoum resolution in your book? It was a resolution signed by 8 arab states after the six-day war that says- "no peace with israel, no recognition of israel, no negotiations with israel."
Bill clinton, a chief player of the peace process, has said your book is "not factually correct." how can you take yasser arafats word over clintons, dennis rosss... Why do you ignore that saudi prince bandar called the palestinian response to the 2000 camp david talks a "crime"?
Mr. President, can you describe the different factors and types of pressure that contribute to any presidents decisions and positions regarding the middle east, especially the palestinian-israeli conflict.
Where do we stand in the middle east peace process and how did the publication of your recent book affect the process?
Mr. President, In order to subdue international tension and profoundly improve international relationships, would you consider the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction an answer that is actually plausable? Is the agreeance of all nations something that you see as capable of happening in our future? If so, how?
How would you describe the degree of influence israeli jews hold over u.S. Politics in the middle east? Do you feel it is justified that a foreign government or a small percentage of our population should influence our policy to this magnitude?
Mr. President, why do you think any opposition against israel and its policies is always tied with "anti-semitism" and "nazism."
Mr. President, did your views regarding the israeli-palestinian conflict change after completing your service as a president, and what steps did your administration take to try to solve the issue?
Thank you mr. Carter for writing such an equitable and balanced account of the israeli-palestinian conflict. I would like to ask you about your intended audience in writing this book. In your concluding chapter, you write that many americans are unaware of the results of israeli policies within the occupied territories. In choosing your provocative title, "peace not apartheid," were you attempting to challenge these people to rethink some of their assumptions, and what impact do you hope this book will have on american
What impact, if any, do you think that the current violence in iraq and the continued american presence there will have on the future of the israeli-palestinian peace process? Do you think that the resolution of the two conflicts are connected in any way?
Jimmy carter, are you looking more for peace in isreal or for justice for the palestinians? Other than consistency of beliefs since the end of wwii, what interests does america have in isreal that requires so much aid in the passage of
A repeated theme in your book is that the majority of civilians on both sides of the conflict, both isreali and palestinian, want peace and are willing to make compromises to facilitate the end of violence, but that "political leaders are the obstacles to peace." why do you think that arab and israeli political leaders have been so beholden to extremist groups and so disconnected from the majority of citizens, and can anything be done to change this?
I know that you have visited north korea in 1994 to see the leader, kim-il sung. If he was still alive, and able to have top-level conference with south korea, do you think the international situation (including the u.S) has been something different from that of todays? And why so?
What is the potential for middle east peace in regards to the iranian question? How can promoting dialogue and rapprochment or the normalization of relations with iran work to increase the potential for lasting peace in the middle east? What avenues can we pursue to bring about these changes in iran and also support moderates in iran and in other governments throughout the region?
Given the ongoing violence in the middle east, our problems in iraq, and a reputation problem around the region, do you have any regrets about creating the carter doctrine? If you knew then what you knew now, would you still have created it?
President carter, how can you call israel an apartheid state when there are muslim and arab members of the israeli parliament, when there are muslims and arabs fighting in the israeli army, and even when the mayor of nazareth, and israeli city, is an arab ? Thank you.
President carter, what do you think should be done with the nuclear standoff with iran ? Do you believe that the iranians are trying to aquire nuclear weapons, and if so, do you believe that president admadinejad, who denies the holocaust ,would use them on the state of israel ? Thank you.
Mr. President, do you believe that there can be peace between palestinians and israelis when hamas, a terrorist organization with a history of terrorist attacks, won elections and whose prime minister, frequently refuses to speak of peace and only of destruction ? Thank you.
To end the violence and fighting and for peace to exist, what elements need to be in place amongst the political, religious and ethnic groups in the middle east?
President carter, what do you think of iranian president admadinejad, a person who has declared the holocaust a "myth" , and do you believe anything can be done against irans nuclear program while he is in power ?
* if questions are limited to students only, disregard. If faculty can ask questions, i would like to submit this question for consideration. Mr president, Thank you for your appearance at uci this morning. My name is gary fouse, and i am an adjunct teacher in the university extension and a retired dea agent. My question regards accusations that have been made against you over the years by such figures as alan dershowitz, rachel ehrenfeld (director of the american center for democracy), the jerusalem post, washington times and others. It has been alleged that going back to your years as president that you have benefited financially from various questionable middle eastern interests and people such as agha hasan abedi, the late founder of the notorious pakistan bank of credit and commerce international (bcci). Specifically, it was reported in a december 21, 2006 article by ms ehrenfeld in the washington times that between 1976-1977, your peanut business had received a bailout from the georgia national bank in the amount of 4.6 million dollars that was arranged by your friend, and later us budget director, bert lance and that mr abedi, in january 1978, paid off this debt to the georgia bank to the sum of 3 .5 million dollars. Mr abedi also reportedly contributed $500,000 to ! help you found the carter center, and also reportedly contributed more than 10 million dollars to your library and center over the years. According to ms ehrenfeld , you accepted 1.5 million dollars from mr abedi even after his bank was indicted and convicted for drug money laundering (1988-1990). According to ms ehrenfelds article, your center in georgia has received hundreds of millions of dollars from saudi and gulf contributors who are hostile to israel. It has also been reported that the bcci bank, which was shut down in 1991 as a result of its financial irregularities, was known for its activities on behalf of radical islamic anti-israel movements. In light of your severe criticism of israel, i wonder if you could respond to these accusations-and if true, have they shaped your middle east positions? Thank you.
Dear former president carterI am a high school senior at chaminade julienne catholic high school in dayton ohio and my friend alan and i are constructing a visual presentation describing your term in office and everything you have accomplished since. We were hoping, praying rather, that you could come in and speak about the above mentioned criteria to our eighth period senior government class on monday may 7th, 2007. We would be deeply honored if you could find the time in your schedule to come and speak to our class. Thank you.
The camp david accords between israel and egypt have in large part proved to be a successful treaty. Aside from sovereignty , what would you say is the biggest difference in regards to israeli-palestinian dispute and what course of action would you suggest to resolve any such issues and move ahead with the currently deadlocked peace negotiations.
If you could change one thing about the current u.S. Policy involving their relations israel, what would it be?
Israel waged war on lebanon over the 2 israeli soldiers last summer yet recently said they knew they would not get them back once the war started. Do you feel that israels continuation of the war against lebanon and its citizens after knowing this information has now worsened the road to peace? Also why does did the u.S support israel when everyone else wanted to put an end to the deaths of lebanese
Do you think we should leave iraq right now? Why or why not?
In your opinion, has george w. Bush been a good president or a bad president? Do you think he has pushed this nation toward a bad road?
Has the republican party and or the us, done enough to alleviate the middle east conflict between israel and
Your recent book "palestine peace not apartheid" has received a lot of criticism from several groups within our school, notably anteaters for israel. They have branded you an anti-semite. What is your response to this criticism?
Mr. President, Since 2004, the israeli committee against house demolitions (icahd) has worked to rebuild palestinian homes that have been bulldozed in the occupied territories. Do you believe that internal organizations composed of israelis and palestinians working together to promote peace will have a significant effect on long-term peacemaking efforts in the region?
Mr. President, In recent years many rallies have taken place on americas college campuses taking sides in the israeli-palestinian conflict, this university included. Do you believe that a lack of cooperation between the two conflicting groups on the international landscape will obstruct any chance of internal peace efforts between israelis and palestinians in the middle east?
Mr. President, Many groups on both sides of the israeli-palestinian conflict have focused on the idea of working together with the goal of becoming separate from one another. How is it possible to change the mindsets of these kinds of groups who support the idea of apartheid?
Mr. President, Many groups on both sides of the israeli-palestinian conflict have focused on the idea of working together with the goal of becoming separate from one another. How is it possible to change the mindsets of these kinds of groups who support the idea of apartheid?
Mr. President, With the 2008 presidential election just 18 months away, do you believe that the next administration will have the ability improve the relations between the israelis and palestinians, and what will this improvement require on the part of the united states?
Could you please expain the implication and possible consiquences globally and regionally of a withdraw of u.S. Forces from iraq, leaving an weak ineffective iraqi governing body to maintain control?
The united states stresses humanitarian efforts and fighting terrorism, i find it ironic that by giving a third of the aid to isreali governement, contradicts what the us is fighting for. So, why is there such an interest in aiding the isreali governemnt?
What are your thoughts on suicide bombings and other violent acts for means of protection or is it the way to attract the attention of western democracies for aid? Also besides writing the book what else have you done to help the
Mr. Carter,In reference to our past with iran, in your memoirs you express some surprise how david rockefeller wanted very adamantly to admit the shah into sloan-kettering hospital in 1979. What do you make of the possibility that rockefeller and mohammad reza pahlavi were working together in the interest of oil companies when forming o.P.E.C? Considering that during the subsequent carter inflation of the 1980s, oil companies (according to fortune 500 magazine) were rising to preeminence, is the possibility that rockefeller wanted to keep his behind-the-scenes relations with the shah on the down-low really out of the question? Looking back, would you consider your decision to admit the shah a smart one, or was it just another event that aggravated iran to such an extent that the u.S. Is, to this
As president of the united states, you had been involved in many issues regarding foreign affairs. With the camp david agreement of 1978, youHelped bring amity between egypt and israel, and you succeeded inObtaining ratification of the panama canal treaties. Not only that, you also established full diplomatic relations with the peoples republic ofChina. Seeing that you are very familiar with issues regarding foreign affairs, what do you think of president bushs actions in regards to foreign affairs especially the war in iraq? In terms of the near and distant future, do you think that this war is beneficial or harmful for the u.S.? To what extent
Many in the world thought israeli- palestinian relations would be better after arafats death. However, this was not the case and as arafat did nothing to help the situation, he was not the cause of it. The problem lies in the culture, tradition, and religion that is taught in early childhood in the schools and religious gatherings. What can we do to change generations of these teachings to promote peace and tolerance in these cultures?
The awareness of this issue is no doubt crucial in order for action to take place for human rights to be enforced as well as upheld;considering our economic functions with the state of israel, and the cause and effects of the us occupation of the middle east as well as the us governments relation with countries such as iraq and iran,how will us international and public policy have to change for a "free palestinian" state to exists?
It seems that your goal (in writing the book and lecturing) is to increase awareness in the us about this topic because you mention that the people in the us are very ignorant about the crisis. I was wondering if you have any ideas for a possible solution to the crisis. And why does the us lend so much support to the israelis if it is obviously the palestinians that are being deprived of basic human rights?
Why does the united states continually spend billions of dollars on foreign aid to the israeli-palestine conflict when change seems subtle and unapparent?
What are your views in regards to the violence between israel and palestine? How legitimate was the creation of israel, and how can we persuade both sides to look past this? Also, what do you feel should be done when members of a near-perfectly functional democracy decide that they must kill others for their own well-being? What should be done when such individuals demand "rights" that clearly infringe of the basic liberties of others?
Dear mr. President,You have been a longtime and strong supporter of human rights. Given this, could you comment on the human rights status of women in the middle east in nations such as our ally saudia arabia. And what should be u .S. Policy toward promoting the human rights of women in the
Is it possible that the reason most americans dont question our military aid to israel is the result of lingering feelings of guilt from the holocaust?
Why is it thta being politically correct is more important than speaking the truth?
President carter, at this time throughout the world, the united states is viewed as a super power that continues to make foreign policy based on self-interests, which drives the anti-american view. Would acting as a leader instead of a "world policing agency" and moving from a militaristic state to one giving at least 7-10ths of 1% of our gdp to third world countries throughout the world especially in the middle east help with this world wide view of america?
How do you think iranian and saudi arabian relations are being affected by the situation in iraq today? Do you think irans ambitions for regional hegemony will cause relations with saudi arabia become hostile? Do you see possible military confrontation between the two? And how is this affecting prospects of continuing the israeli-palestinian
Whether it be for ecnomic or security reasons, america has always had a stake in the middle east. The region has now become of even more importance, especially for our generation who has grown up surrounded by news and current events from the middle east, and will most likely increase in the future. How do you see us-middle east relations changing n the future , specifically during our generation? What can you say to people of our generation who seem to be indifferent to what is going on in that region of the world?
The middle east seems like a very volatile place right now. With the upcoming elections in 2008, do you think that a change from republican to democratic leadership will pull us out of this war any sooner?
Why did you allow the shah of iran to be overthrown and was there a conspiracy to overthrow him by the world powers of britian, france, us and the cia?
Considering the religious conflicts in the middle east, and the relevance and important role that it plays in the conflict of israel-palestine, what do you feel is the best solution to the problem? Is this a solution that both parties will agree to? If so, why and how come it hasnt been done yet? If not, why do you feel its the best way to go about
Considering the religious conflicts in the middle east, and the relevance and important role that it plays in the conflict of israel-palestine, what do you feel is the best solution to the problem? Is this a solution that both parties will agree to? If so, why and how come it hasnt been done yet? If not, why do you feel its the best way to go about
How can israel call it self a democratic nation when it refuses to recognize all non-jews as equals?
With recent tensions between iran and the us over nuclear disarment, do you feel that with such events, do little to help your cause within the middle east?
What would be the consequences of establishing a palestinian state? Would it be an error to do so?

Jimmy Carter

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Center for the Study
of Democracy
School of Social Sciences

School of Social Sciences, University of California, Irvine