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The UCI School of Social Sciences presents

Zot Zeries

A Zoom lecture series on timely topics related to COVID-19

Advancing Equity in the Age of COVID-19

a panel discussion featuring

Bill Maurer, Dean, School of Social Sciences, Professor, Anthropology and Law, and Director, Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion, UCI
Colin Bernatzky, Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology, UCI
Alana LeBrón, Assistant Professor, Chicano/Latino Studies, UCI
Annie Ro, Assistant Professor, Public Health Administration, UCI
Graeme Boushey, Associate Professor, Political Science and Director, Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy, UCI
Laura Enriquez, Associate Professor, Chicano/Latino Studies, UCI


Thursday, October 1

5:00-6:00 p.m.



A total of 19 faculty and resource center director proposals received funding from the UCI Office of Inclusive Excellence Confronting Extremism Program's call to understand: "Are We in this Together? Advancing Equity in the Age of COVID-19." All awards reflect a range of cross-disciplinary collaborations and perspectives to examine the effects of the pandemic on the UCI community.

Join us to hear updates from lead scholars working on the four social sciences projects awarded funding under the initiative.

Facing Digital Extremism in a Pandemic: New Modules and a Digital Toolkit to Confront Disinformation
Bill Maurer, Dean, School of Social Sciences, Professor, Anthropology and Law, and Director, Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion, UCI with Colin Bernatsky, Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology, UCI

Orange County Community-Oriented Health Equity Contact Tracing (OC-CHECT)
Alana LeBrón, Assistant Professor, Chicano/Latino Studies and Annie Ro, Assistant Professor, Public Health Administration - project leads with collaborating researchers Sora Park Tanjasiri, Salvador Zarate, Abigail Reyes, John Billimek, Cynthia Haq, Daniel Parker, Jun Wu and Bernadette Boden-Albala

COVID-19 Problem Definition and Agenda-Setting in the American States
Graeme Boushey, Associate Professor, Political Science and Director, Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy, UCI

COVID-19 at the UCs: Mapping Inequalities and Advancing Inclusion for UC Students with Immigrant Parents
Laura Enriquez, Associate Professor, Chicano/Latino Studies - project lead with collaborating researchers Annie Ro, Martha Morales, Elisabet Barrios, Evelyn Sanchez and Mariel Calva


Catch recordings of our past Zot Zeries talks:

The Social Science of Public Health Emergencies, from AIDS to COVID-19 with Stephen Molldrem, Postdoctoral Scholar, Anthropology, UCI

Going Viral: Coronavirus through Chinese Social Media with Mei Zhan, Professor, Anthropology, UCI

Teaching the Politics of COVID-19 with Graeme Boushey, Professor, Political Science, UCI

Sleep in the COVID Crisis: Maintaining Emotional Stability, Cognition and Immune Function Under Stress, with Sara Mednick, Professor, Cognitive Sciences, UCI

Misinformation in the Age of Coronavirus, with Cailin O'Connor and Jim Weatherall, Professors, Logic & Philosophy of Science, UCI

Teaching on Anteater Island: The Promise of Virtual Worlds for Remote Learning with Tom Boellstorff, Professor, Anthropology, UCI

All talks are delivered and recorded on Zoom. Registration is required for participation. For questions or further information, please contact Melissa Churlonis,