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The UCI School of Social Sciences presents

Zot Zeries

A Zoom lecture series on timely topics related to COVID-19
Teaching on Anteater Island: The Promise of Virtual Worlds for Remote Learning

May 20 | 12:00-1:00 p.m.
featuring Tom Boellstorff, Professor, Department of Anthropology, UC Irvine and special guest moderator Beth O'Connell, Communications Chair, Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education
A limited number of registrants will be able to participate via Second Life if they have adequate computing equipment and bandwidth. Please fill out this form to indicate your interest.

Catch recordings of our past talks:
The Social Science of Public Health Emergencies, from AIDS to COVID-19 with Stephen Molldrem, Postdoctoral Scholar, Anthropology, UCI

Going Viral: Coronavirus through Chinese Social Media with Mei Zhan, Professor, Anthropology, UCI

Teaching the Politics of COVID-19 with Graeme Boushey, Professor, Political Science, UCI

Sleep in the COVID Crisis: Maintaining Emotional Stability, Cognition and Immune Function Under Stress, with Sara Mednick, Professor, Cognitive Sciences, UCI

Misinformation in the Age of Coronavirus, with Cailin O'Connor and Jim Weatherall, Professors, Logic & Philosophy of Science, UCI

All talks are delivered and recorded on Zoom. Registration is required for participation. For questions or further information, please contact Melissa Churlonis,