
Exams: Midterms & Final

Extra Credit

Academic Dishonesty


There will be several homeworks throughout the quarter, based on the material covered in class. You can access them through Canvas EEE by clicking on the relevant link in the schedule page (or navigating to the appropriate Quiz in Canvas EEE). Please note: Even though they are administered through the Canvas EEE "Quiz" section, they are in fact homeworks and not quizzes. These are due after we have covered the material in class, and are available while we cover the topic so you can be working on them as we discuss the relevant material in class. Each homework assignment must be submitted through Canvas EEE by the end of class (2:50pm) the day it is due for full credit, unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor through email. Please note the following:

(1) Only one submission is allowed - please only submit your homework after you have completed the entire assignment.

(2) Even though the current Canvas EEE setup does save your answers periodically in between submissions, it is recommended that you note down your answers in a separate document that you can refer to when making your final submission. This document is then also useful to refer back to during exams.

QuickGuide: How to submit an online assignment/quiz through Canvas EEE Quiz

More detailed guide to Canvas EEE online assignments/quizzes

Late policy: Late assignments will be accepted, but will lose 10% of the total score possible on the assignment for every class session late (not every day late). This is to encourage you to do the assignments, as it is far preferable to work through the material late rather than never. Moreover, homework comprises a hefty portion of your grade, so please do it - even if it's late. Late assignments can be submitted through the normal Canvas EEE interface.

If you submit a late assignment, please email the instructor so that your assignment will be appropriately graded.

You should feel free to work together on homework (and in fact this is highly encouraged), but please turn in your own copy of the assignment. This makes it easier for you to directly receive a grade on the assignment and have your own copy of the homework questions & answers.

In addition, please note that working together is different than copying someone else's answers. If someone pressures you to let them copy your answers, this is academic dishonesty on their part. You should not feel ashamed or guilty about saying no to them -- after all, why should they get credit for your hard work and effort? Instead, they should be ashamed for even asking you in the first place. Please report any academic dishonesty incidents to Professor Pearl, and appropriate action will be taken.

Midterms & Final

There will be two midterm exams in class, one on 2/2/18 and one on 2/28/18. Each will cover the material up until that point, and is not cumulative. (So, the first midterm covers the material up through 1/31/18, and the second midterm covers material discussed 2/5/18 through 2/23/18.) The midterm questions will come from the review questions posted on the website for the topics covered, as well as the homework questions.

There will be a final exam on 3/23/18, from 1:30pm - 3:30pm. This will cover the material presented throughout the quarter (that is, the final exam is cumulative), with a focus on the material presented after the second midterm. The final questions will come from the review questions posted on the website for all the topics covered, as well as the homework questions.

All exams will be given as online Quizzes through Canvas EEE. This means that you will only be able to access the exam during the appointed time (2:00pm - 2:50pm for the midterms, 1:30pm - 3:30pm for the final) using a device that has internet connectivity. You can take the exam in one of two ways:

(1) You can take it in SSL 270 if you have your own device with internet connectivity. The professor will be present, which has the following benefits:

The professor will remind you how much time you have remaining.
The professor will be available to answer questions you have about exam questions.
If you have trouble accessing the exam, the professor will be present to help.
If you have trouble submitting the exam, the professor will be present to help.

(2) You can take it anywhere else where you have access to a device with internet connectivity. This has the following downsides:

You must keep track of the time remaining yourself (though Canvas EEE does have a timer).
You will not be able to ask someone knowledgeable about questions you have about exam questions.
If you have trouble accessing the exam or submitting the exam, you will have to work it out yourself - the professor will be considerably less sympathetic to any "technical difficulties" that occur.

Test-taking tip: Please keep a separate record of your answers in case of technical difficulties -- Canvas EEE may not always save your answers as you enter them.

If you submit an exam late (that is, after the allotted time -- 50 minutes for the midterms, 120 minutes for the final -- according to the Canvas EEE timer), the following late submission policy will apply:

For every minute after the allotted time, one percentage point will be subtracted from your exam score.

Extra credit

You may earn up to a maximum of 3 extra credit percentage points two different ways:

(1) You can participate in an online language science experiment in a webgame format, called Word Sleuth. You will receive 0.5 points for every 30 items that you complete (either creating or guessing), with your maximum credit for this class limited to 180 items (3 points). You must have at least 18 created items in order to receive full credit, but the remaining 162 can be either creating or guessing. (Note: If you're only doing some of the credit for this, this means 3 created items for every half point of credit.) You will receive credit for items completed at any difficulty level. You can track your progress by looking at your user profile page, which will list how many items you've created and how many items you've guessed so far. Please note that no increments below 0.5 points will be made (so, for example, if you complete 90 items or 119 items, you'll still receive only 1.5 extra credit points).

Procedure: Register an account on Word Sleuth by following this link:


and play whenever you like. If you already have a Word Sleuth account, you do not need to register a new account. You can simply use your existing account.

To receive your Word Sleuth extra credit:
(a) If you registered a new account: Make sure to email the professor with your Word Sleuth username and a screenshot of your user profile after you have completed your extra credit. Your user profile shows your total activity points, including creations and guesses. You can send this at any point before the end of the quarter.

(b) If you already had an existing account: Make sure to email the professor with your Word Sleuth username, and a screenshot of your user profile stats (activity points, # creations, # guesses) before you started playing this quarter. Then send the professor a screenshot of your user profile after you have completed the extra credit for this quarter.

You must send the professor a screencap of your completed Word Sleuth activity by 3/23/18 @ 1:30pm. No Word Sleuth extra credit will be counted after this deadline.

Helpful tutorial: how to take a screenshot

(2) You can participate in social science laboratory experiments. As subjects in experiments, you have the opportunity to learn how experimental research in psychology is conducted today, and you help provide the necessary subjects for the School's extensive research program. You will receive 0.5 points for each half hour that you participate, with your maximum participation for this class limited to 3 hours (i.e., 3 points).

Procedure: Follow the directions available at the UCI Social Sciences Human Subjects Lab Student Information page


Contract: When signing up to participate in research as a way to earn extra course credit, please be aware of the Human Subject Lab's policies: (pdf)
Note that the directions for how to sign up are included in this pdf.

Your attendance at the experiment will be recorded by the laboratory assistant. Also, the experimenters may run out of experiments before the end of the quarter, so early participation is the safest way to ensure that you don't miss out on this easy way to accumulate points. In addition, please note that you will need to allocate your earned credits to your selected classes before the end of the quarter if you want your credits to show up for this class (and all other classes you allocate them to).

Academic dishonesty

Academic integrity is vital for successful learning. Seriously. Please don't be academically dishonest. It's painful for all of us. Please speak to the professor if you have any questions about what is and is not allowed in this course.

Academic dishonesty includes cheating on exams or any assignment, having someone else take an exam or complete an assignment for you (or doing this for someone else), copying someone else's exam or assignment, and any activity in which you represent someone else's work as your own.

If you are caught being academically dishonest, you will receive a 0 for the assignment and you will be reported for academic dishonesty at the very least. Additional action may be taken, depending on the nature of the incident. Please see the information about academic integrity here, and more about what it means to be academically dishonest.