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(102)"China's Old Working Class: Impoverished and Cast Aside,"The Asia-Pacific Journal, 20, No.15 (August 2022) (101)"China Joins the World Trade Organization: Implications for Workers," in Christian Sorace, Ivan Franceschini eds., Proletarian China: A Century of Chinese Labour (London and NY: Verson, 2022): 552-558. (99)"A Challenge to the Dominant Portrait of Xi Jinping," China Perspectives, No 2018/1-2, 3-6. (98)"Banish the Impoverished Past: The Predicament of the Abandoned Urban Poor" in Dorothy J. Solinger, ed., Polarized Cities: Portraits of Rich and Poor in Urban China (Lanham, MD: Rowman& Littlefield, forthcoming). (97)"Introduction: State Policies, Castes and Agency," in Dorothy J. Solinger, ed., Polarized Cities: Portraits of Rich and Poor in Urban China (Lanham, MD: Rowman& Littlefield, forthcoming). (95)"The Precarity of Layoffs and State Compensation," Made in China, 2, 4 (Oct.-Dec. 2017): 40-43. (94)"Manipulating China's "Minimum Livelihood Guarantee": Political Shifts in a Program for the Poor in the Period of Xi Jinping," China Perspectives, (2017): 47-57. (93)(With Ting Jiang) "When Central Orders and Promotion Criteria Conflict: Implementation Decisions on the Destitute in Poor vs. Prosperous Cities," Modern China, 42, 6 (2016): 571-606. (92)"The Minimum Livelihood Guarantee: Social Assistance (just to) to Stave off Starvation," Beatriz Carrillo Garcia, Johanna Hood, and Paul Kadetz, eds, Handbook of Welfare in China (Edward Elgar, forthcoming). (91)"Three Welfare Models and Current Chinese Social Assistance: Confucian Justifications, Variable Applications," The Journal of Asian Studies, 74, 4 (November 2015), 977-999. (90)"The State, the Poor, and the Dibao: Three Models of the Wellsprings of Welfare and Lessons for China," in State-Society Relations and Governance in China, ed. by Sujian Guo (Lanham, MD: Lrexington Books, 2014), 3-13. (89)"The Modalities of Geographical Mobility in China and their Impacts, 1980-2010", in Delia Davin and Barbara Harriss-White, eds., China-India: Pathways of Economic and Social Development (London: The British Academy, 2014), 139-56. (88)"Social Assistance Under Capitalist, Authoritarian Rule: Two Management Models In Chinese Municipalities," Journal of Contemporary Asia, 44, 3 (2014): 500-520. (87)"Streets as Suspect:State Skepticism and the Current Losers in Urban China," Critical Asian Studies 45, 1 (March 2013), 3-26. (86)"The New Urban Underclass and its Consciousness: (IS it a Class?)", Journal of Contemporary China, 21, 78 ( 2012), 1011-1028. (85)"Welfare, Wealth, and Poverty in Urban China: The Dibao and its Differential Disbursement," The China Quarterly 211 (September 2012), 741-64. (84)"Temporality As Trope In Delineating Inequality: Progress for the Prosperous, Time Warp for the Poor," in "Unequal China," ed. by Yingjie Guo and Wanning Sun (London: Routledge, 2013), 59-76.(Revised version of No. 81). (83)"Dibaohu in Distress: The Meager Minimum Livelihood Guarantee System in Wuhan," in Beatriz Carillo and Jane Duckett, eds., China's Changing Welfare Mix: Local Perspectives (London: Routledge, 2011), 36-63. (82)"Social Reforms in the Cities: Modernity, Time Warp and Marketing Among Disparate Urban Social Strata," in Zhiyue Bo and John Wong, eds., China's Reform in Global Perspective (Singapore: World Scientific Press, 2010), 77-114. (81)"The Urban Dibao: Guarantee for Minimum Livelihood or for Minimal Turmoil?" in Fulong Wu and Chris Webster, ed., Marginalization in Urban China: Comparative Perspectives (Houndmills, Basingstoke:Palgrave/Macmillan, 2010), 253-77. (80)"The Phase-out of the Unfit: Keeping the Unworthy Out of Work," in Lisa A. Keister, ed., Research in the Sociology of Work, Volume 19, Work and Organizations in China after Thirty Years of Transition (London: Emerald Press, 2009), 307-36. (79)"A Question of Confidence: State Legitimacy and the New Urban Poor," in Peter H. Gries and Stanley Rosen, eds., Chinese Politics: State, Society, and the Market (Routledge/Curzon, 2010), 243-57. (78)"The Dibao Recipients: Mollified Anti-Emblem of Urban Modernization," China Perspectives 2008, volume 4, 36-46. (77)"Xiagang and the Geometry of Urban Political Patronage in China," in Thomas B. Gold, William J. Hurst, Jaeyoun Won, and Li Qiang, eds., Laid-Off Workers in a Workers' State (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2009), 39-60. (76)"Business Groups: For or Against the Regime?" In Larry Diamond and Bruce Gilley, editors, Political Change in China: Comparisons with Taiwan (Boulder & London: Lynne Riener, 2008), 94-114. (75)"The Political Implications of China's Future: Complacency, Scorn, and the Forlorn," in Cheng Li, ed., Chinas Changing Political Landscape: Prospects for Democracy (Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press, 2008), 251-66. (74)"Labor Discontent in China in Comparative Perspective," Eurasian Geography and Economics 48, 4 (July-August 2007), 177-93. (73)"Globalization and labour's losses: Insights from the Study of China, France, and Mexico," in Ingrid Nielsen, Russell Smyth, and Marika Vicziani, Globalisation and Labour Mobility in China (Melbourne: Monash University Press, 2007). (72)"The Sad Story of Zheng Erji," in Dorothy J. Solinger, ed., Narratives of the Chinese Economic Reforms (Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press,2006), 113-128. (71)"Interviewing Chinese People: From High-Level Officials to the Unemployed," in Maria Heimer and Stig Thogersen, eds., Doing Fieldwork in China (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2006), 153-67. (70)"The Creation of a New Underclass in China and its Implications," Environment & Urbanization, 18, 1 (April 2006), 177-93. (69) "Path Dependency in the Transition to Unemployment and the Formation of Safety Nets in China," Prepared for Panel on "Communist and Post-Communist Welfare States," 99th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, August 28-31, 2003. (68)"Policy Consistency in the Midst of Crisis: Managing the Furloughed and the Farmers in Three Cities," in Barry Naughton and Dali Yang, eds., Holding China Together: Diversity and National Integration in the Post-Deng Era (Cambridge University Press, 2004). (Updated and much revised version of #50) (67)"State and Society in Urban China in the Wake of the Sixteenth Party Congress," The China Quarterly, No. 176 2003, 949-59. (65)"From Master to Marginal in Post-Socialist China: The Once-Proletariat as New Excluded Entrepreneur," in Hok-bun Ku and Ming-kwan Lee, eds., Social Exclusion and Marginality in Chinese Societies (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Centre for Social Policy Studies, 2003),1-14. (64)"Chinese Urban Jobs and the WTO" The China Journal, 2003) 61-87. (63)"The New Crowd of the Dispossessed: The Shift of the Urban Proletariat from Master to Mendicant," in Peter Gries and Stanley Rosen, eds., State and Society in 21st Century China: Contention, Change and Legitimation (New York: Routledge, 2004), 50-66 (62)"Globalization and Human Rights for Workers in China: Convergence of Collision?" in Mahmood Monshipouri, Neil A. Englehart, Andrew J. Nathan, and Kavita Philip, eds., Constructing Human Rights in the Age of Globalization (Armonk, NY: M.E. 2003), 178-213 (Revised and updated from #54) (61)"Internal Migrants and the Challenge of the 'Floating Population' in the PRC," in Arthur Rosett, Lucie Cheng and Margaret Woo, eds., East Asian Law: Universal Norms and Local Cultures (New York: Routledge/Curzon,2002), 137-155. (60)"China's Floating Population: Implications for State and Society," in Roderick MacFarquhar and Merle Goldman, eds., The Paradox of China's Post-Mao Reforms (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1999), 220-40. (59)"Labor Market Reform and the Plight of the Laid-Off Proletariat," The ChinaQuarterly, No. 170 (June 2002), 304-326. (Adapted from #59, updated,and revised) (58)"Economic Informalization by Fiat: China's New Growth Strategy as Solution or Crisis?" in Luigi Tomba,ed., On the Roots of Growth and Crisis: Capitalism, State and Society in East Asia, (Rome: Annali Della Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli,Vol. XXXVI, 2002), 373-417. (57)"Labor in Limbo: Pushed by the Plan Towards the Mirage of the Market," in Francoise Mengin and Jean-Louis Rocca, eds., Politics of China: Moving Frontiers (New York: Palgrave, 2002). (Revised version of #52) (55)"The China Difference: City Studies Under Socialism and Beyond," co-authored with Kam Wing Chan, in John Eade and Chris Mele, eds., Understanding the City, (London: Blackwell, 2002), 174-190 (54)"Why We Cannot Count the `Unemployed'," China Quarterly, No. 167(August 2001), 671-688. (52)"Ending One-Party Dominance: Korea, Taiwan, Mexico,"Journal of Democracy, 12, 1 (2001): 30-42. (49)"Clashes Between Reform and Opening: Labor Market Reform in Three Cities," in Chien-min Chao and Bruce J. Dickson, eds., Remaking the Chinese State: Structure, Society, and Strategy (London: Routledge,2001), 103-31. (48)"Demolishing Partitions: Back to Beginnings in the Cities," The China Quarterly, No. 159 (September 1999),629-39. (46)"Citizenship Issues in China's Internal Migration: Insights from Comparisons with Germany and Japan," Political Science Quarterly Vol. 114, No.3 (Fall 1999), 455-78. (Revised version of #43).(43)"Human Rights Issues in China's Internal Migration: Insights from Comparisons with Germany and Japan," in Joanne R. Bauer and Daniel A. Bell,eds., The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999),285-312. |