7 things people get wrong about American history

7 things people get wrong about American history
- September 27, 2017
- Vicki Ruiz, Chicano/Latino studies and history, helps set the record straight in new Time Magazine piece
Contrary to popular media depictions of Latinos as newcomers who arrived the day before
yesterday, there exists a rich layering of nationalities, generations and experiences
among Latino Americans. Yet their stories are often ignored or misconstrued. As an
example, U.S. history textbooks typically give only a passing glance to Spanish-speaking
settlements, such as St. Augustine (1565), Santa Fe (1610), San Antonio (1718) and
latecomer Los Angeles (1781). The first European language spoken in the area that
would become the United States was Spanish, not English. From carving out frontier
communities in the 1700s to writing about citizenship and liberty during the 19th
century to fighting for civil rights in the 20th, Latino Americans have made history
within and beyond national borders.
Read on, courtesy of Time Magazine.
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