What’s a tetrachromat? Meet a person who sees 100 million colors

What’s a tetrachromat? Meet a person who sees 100 million colors
- December 4, 2015
- Kimberly Jameson, IMBS project scientist, is featured by upvoted (reddit) Dec. 4, 2015
From upvoted:
Kimberly Jameson, a University of California, Irvine scientist who studied Antico,
wrote that human tetrachromacy may be evolutionary advantageous … “Color deficient
doctors may miss symptoms because of an inability to perceive the color of disease,”
explains Jameson.
For the full story, please visit https://upvoted.com/2015/12/04/whats-a-tetrachromat-meet-a-person-who-sees-100-million-colors/.
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