Lave prize winner announced
Lave prize winner announced
- June 11, 2015
- Economics grad student Chehras honored for research
Nanneh Chehras, economics graduate student, has been awarded the 2016 Charles A. Lave
Paper prize for her research paper addressing fertility assimilation among Chinese,
Indian and South Korean women in the United States. The $1,600 prize—awarded each
year to an undergraduate or graduate student—recognizes research papers that clearly
exhibit creative theories and include innovative uses of empirical data, honoring
Charles Lave, who served as a UCI faculty member for more than 30 years and valued
clear writing and creative thinking.
Chehras appealed to these ideologies in her research paper, which found that fertility
assimilation—the convergence of immigrant and native fertility levels—is likely based
on changes in child-sex composition preferences and not on socioeconomic factors as
with many other immigrant groups. She finds that first-generation women from these
countries maintain a preference for sons after migration, but once second-generation
immigrants adopt the native preference for mixed-sex children, their childbearing
behavior becomes similar to natives and fertility assimilation occurs.
Chehras is among the first to use culturally driven, child-sex composition preferences
as an explanation for fertility assimilation across generations. She’ll use the prize
to fund further research on the topic.
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