How LA gangs played into border crisis
How LA gangs played into border crisis
- July 11, 2014
- Al Valdez, social sciences lecturer, is featured on CNN July 11, 2014
From CNN:
Joining me is professor Al Valdez from the University of California, Irvine. “You
were the chief of the Orange County District Attorney's gang unit. Explain the phenomenon
here and what did these deported gang members take back to Honduras to make it violent
there?” “When we put our criminals in prison, it's like sending them to college.
So we send them to prison, educate them college-wise and deport them afterwards so
they're like gang professionals when they go out of these countries. Who are unprepared
to deal with the sophistication and the activities. The countries are ripe, because
there are no businesses there, no opportunities for employment. extreme poverty and
gangs understand this, and use violence to take over.”
Full transcript unavailable. Video link available at
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