Asian-Americans are successful, but no thanks to tiger parenting
Asian-Americans are successful, but no thanks to tiger parenting
- May 12, 2014
- Jennifer Lee, sociology professor, is interviewed on NPR May 12, 2014
From NPR:
This is Asian-American and Pacific Islander heritage month. That's a time set aside
to acknowledge the contributions of people from these backgrounds to the bigger American
story. Undeniably, when many Americans look for role models for educational achievement,
many find them in Asian-American homes. Now, the idea of Asian-Americans as academic
powerhouses has been fueled in recent years by many things, but perhaps most publicly
by Yale law professor Amy Chua, author of "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" and co-author
of "The Triple Package." Now, we've spoken with her about both of these books and
she argued that the extremely high standards and no-nonsense style that she sees among
Chinese-American parents is what accounts for better grades and higher test scores.
Now, one criticism of Amy Chua's work has always been that her background in these
areas is actually very slight. Well, two scholars who do have a background in this
wanted to dig into the question. And they say that the story of Asian-American achievement
is much more complicated. They are both sociology professors. Jennifer Lee is at the
University of California at Irvine. Welcome. Thank you for joining us.
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