O.C. cities get down to business
O.C. cities get down to business
- February 15, 2013
- Jan Brueckner, economics professor and department chair, is quoted in the Orange County Register February 15, 2013
From the OC Register:
Some pay full-time staff, while others look to consultants to market the city's vision
to prospective companies and retailers. Many work with their chambers of commerce.
Still others develop task forces to help prospective businesses get through red tape.
When commercial properties fill up, demand drives up rents; that spills over to residential
units and property values going up with de- mand for more employees, said Jan Brueckner,
a professor of economics at UC Irvine. Businesses look for well-maintained communities
to settle in, experts say. A good community lifestyle helps draw workers. Businesses
also look to see what other companies have set up shop in town. Settling near another,
similar, business makes it easier to find skilled workers because they're already
in the area - and, in some cases, ideas from one business may rub off on another,
Brueckner said. “Once a place gets the ball rolling, they get a cumulative advantage,”
Brueckner said.
For the full story, please visit http://www.ocregister.com/news/city-208825-ocprint-businesses-business.html.
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