San Juan referendum defied tendencies, experts say

San Juan referendum defied tendencies, experts say
- June 10, 2011
- Mark Petracca, political science associate professor and department chair, is quoted in the Orange County Register June 10, 2011
From the OC Register:
Tuesday's special election in San Juan Capistrano that gave the green light to a retail/residential/equestrian
development known as Distrito La Novia/San Juan Meadows drew a higher percentage of
registered voters than is typical, the county registrar of voters said. Registrar
Neal Kelley called the 33 percent turnout "pretty good for a special election." Most
such elections in Orange County the past five years have averaged about 20 percent
turnout, he said. San Juan's election on Measure B also was unusual in another way:
It deviated from a trend in special-election voting in which people tend to stick
with the way things are. "There's a built-in bias for people to approve the status
quo," said Mark Petracca, a political-science professor at UC Irvine.
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