From Open Democracy:
It is an ironic indication of the dysfunction of a system when prison officials harass the children of a children's rights advocate. Iranian human rights lawyer and activist, Nasrin Sotoudeh, has been kept in Evin prison in solitary confinement, practically deprived of any contact with her family and lawyer since September 4th. Evin prison officials forced Nasrin to make a phone call to her children, at an hour when they knew their father would not be with them, and ask 12-year-old Mehraveh to relay a message to her father: "Do not publicize Sotoudeh's case in the media." Mehraveh was distraught as she repeated the conversation to her father. The use of children by Evin officials to put pressure on their parents in this way is a vicious tactic, but it is not surprising in a country where a child offender can still get the death sentence.

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