Second Life's virtual money can become real-life cash
Second Life's virtual money can become real-life cash
- March 8, 2010
- Tom Boellstorff, anthropology professor, is quoted in the Washington Post March 8, 2010
From the Post:
"The barriers to entry are really, really low for an enterprise to get started in Second Life," said Tom Boellstorff, an anthropologist with the University of California at Irvine who studies virtual worlds, in an interview at one of his Second Life residences -- a lovely modern space with a water view. "You don't need a factory. You don't have a lot of expenses." Boellstorff, through his avatar, was sitting on a couch. To make his point, the professor arranged for a box to appear suddenly in his living room, not far from a reporter's virtual face. "You can make it hollow," he said, making the box hollow. "Or you can make it a circle," he said, making the box a circle. "You can't do that in the physical world. It's just not that easy. Here you can make anything." His voice came through a computer's speaker with the clarity of a land-line telephone call.
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