Getting Answers: How Government Policies and Regulations Impact You
Does the election of a president who is expected to less strictly enforce requirements on paying women the same wages as men affect the profits of different firms? Do government regulations on the financial system distort financier’s incentives, encouraging them to take excessive risks for which tax payers pay the price? Does a new federal regulation requiring more flight hour experience of pilots who fly commercially disproportionately hurt small regional carriers? And does corruption on projects financed by government cause spending to increase?
For the past few weeks, UCI scholars have been examining these provocative research questions through funding from the Program on Corporate Welfare’s Summer Institute. The program, established in spring 2017, is housed in the School of Social Sciences and led by Amihai Glazer, a political economist who studies the behavior of voters, special interest groups, and governmental officials.
The summer symposium offers an opportunity for community members, faculty, staff and students to hear findings on these corporate welfare studies. Join us for breakfast and poster presentations on this engaging research by the students involved.
Friday, August 18, 2017 Breakfast 8:00 a.m. | Program 8:30-10:30 a.m. Social & Behavioral Science Gateway, |
RSVP online. For further information, |
Learn more about the Program on Corporate Welfare online at Parking is available in the Social Sciences Parking Structure for $2 per hour or $10 per day.
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