Addressing Injustices and Bridging Divides
Please join UCI’s Students for Global Peacebuilding (SGP) and supporting organizations for a panel discussion:
"Addressing Injustices and Bridging Divides”
With Natalia Molebatsi, South African poet; David Ragland, Co-Founder & Co-Director of the Truth Telling Project, Ferguson, Missouri; Cris Toffolo, Professor & Chair of Justice Studies, Northeastern Illinois University & participant in the Truth Telling Project, Ferguson; Mei-Ling Malone, Professor, Los Angeles Southwest College; Michael Minch, Professor and Director of Peace & Justice Studies at Utah Valley University
Workshops to follow from 7:30-8:30 PM
–Being a Facilitator of Truth Telling, UCI Student Center, Emerald Bay B
–Finding Your Voice and Using it, Truthfully, UCI Student Center Emerald Bay C
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