Trendsetters and Social Change: Inaugural Reception for the Philosophy, Political Science and Economics (PPE) MA Program
Cristina Bicchieri is the Sascha Jane Patterson Harvie Professor of Social Thought and Comparative Ethics, and Director of the PPE Program at the University of Pennsylvania. Her primary research focus is on judgment and decision making with special interest in decisions about fairness, trust, and cooperation, and how expectations affect behavior. A second research focus examines the nature and evolution of social norms, how to measure norms (consensus and compliance) and what strategies to adopt to foster social change. This research is more applied, and forms the core of the newly created Social Norms Training and Consulting group at the University of Pennsylvania. Read more about Bicchieri’s research here:
A UC Irvine 50th Anniversary Celebration | Reception following talk
Please RSVP prior by November 6, 2015 to or 949-824-1520.
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